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Release Notes & Updates

15.1 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

The 15.1 Lithium Community Release adds new Community Health Index™ (CHI) Factors and CHI Factors Trends graphs to Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI), which enable you to understand when performance changes in your community and which CHI factors contributed to that change. We have removed the support for Twitter profile cards to align with changes that Twitter has made with regard to background images on user profiles. Finally, we have rolled out several improvements to Community API v2 and V1, including support for category and board resources.


Note: Starting with this release, we will no longer send out monthly release emails. We will, however, continue to post the monthly Release Notes here on the Lithium Community. We are moving to a product e-newsletter for customers that will highlight new and existing products as well as provide information on how other Lithium Community customers are using products, developer tips and tricks, as well as information on upcoming training and events.


To subscribe to this newsletter, go here and select the Customers Only: Product Releases option. To ensure that you are alerted to new release documentation, subscribe to this board for the monthly Release Notes.

New features and enhancements

New Community Health Index (CHI) metrics in LSI

In this release, we have enriched our CHI metrics in LSI by providing two additional charts. But first let's review the six factors that contribute to CHI:

  • Members: Measures the growth in the number of community registrations.
  • Content: Measures content use based on the number of posts and page views.
  • Traffic: Measures site popularity based on human page views.
  • Responsiveness: Measures the speed at which community members respond to each other's posts (all posts, not just first response).
  • Interaction: Measures the number of unique contributors within a thread and the numbers of conversations among them.
  • Liveliness: Measures the number of posts within a board.

    Note: Each score is a percentile that represents where your health factor lies over the past 7 days in the statistical distribution computed from all communities (including your past performance).


In this release, we have added two charts that help you better understand your CHI score:


  • CHI Factors: This spider chart shows how each of these individual community health factors contributes to your overall Community Health Index (CHI) score. The closer the data point is to the center of the web, the lower its influence on your overall CHI score for the time period selected. The data shown is averaged over the selected 1-week date range, and each health factor is shown relative to the highest score for that factor in the past six months.
  • CHI Factors Trend: This graph shows the trend line for each CHI factor on a single chart so you can compare different engagement factors over the same time period.

    Tip: You can view and hide specific factors by clicking the factor names in the graph. Here's the same graph with just the Members and Liveliness factors selected. (Note that the percentage axis changes to use the entire vertical space.)

Watch this video to see how the CHI factors chart responds in real-time as you select CHI scores from the chart on the left.


Tip: For suggestions how to influence each CHI factor to improve your overall CHI score, check out Tips on improving individual CHI health factors.


Let’s look at a simple example from the Lithium Community that illustrates how you can leverage CHI metrics to analyze behavior on your community. Consider this CHI chart:


Looking at the Lithium Community CHI metrics, we see that its CHI Score dropped significantly between December 22 and December 28, 2014.  In the CHI Factors web diagram to the right, we see that the two factors that contributed most to the score drop were Members and Liveliness, which are also shown in the CHI Factors Trend graph at the bottom of the page.


We can attribute this drop to the Christmas holiday, when our Lithium Community members were mostly likely on vacation.

Removal of Twitter profile cards

Since the rollout of their new profiles, Twitter stopped allowing background images on profiles. As a result, our Community Twitter profile cards are no longer needed or required. Starting with the 15.1 release, we have removed the Twitter profile cards functionality.


There is nothing that you need to do. Your Twitter profile will continue to display your current Twitter profile, even after this change.

Community API v2

Announcing Community API v2 Category and Board resources

We have new Category and Board resources to use in custom code and LiQL queries.

Full documentation of the Board and Category resources can be found in these Lithium Developer Network knowledge base articles:

Check out some examples.


You can use the SELECT statement in any field in the Board or Category resource. You can retrieve messages within boards or categories ordered by views and counts, as well as filter boards and categories by conversation style, parent category, root category, ancestor category, and ID.

Note: At this time, categories are not returned from LiQL queries in the order they appear in Community Admin by default. Community API v1 calls that return categories return the results in the order that they appear in Community Admin.

New fields on Image resource and new ORDER BY options

Community API v2 Image objects now include the three new fields:

  • upload_time: The time the image was uploaded (in the date/time format defined in Community Admin)
  • upload_time_friendly: The time the image was uploaded (in relative date format)
  • visibility: Whether or not the uploaded image is public or private

You can now order images by kudos weight using kudos.sum(weight) in a LiQL query. For example:


SELECT display_id, view_href, kudos FROM images ORDER BY kudos.sum(weight) DESC


See the Image resource knowledge base article for more details.

New field on the Message resource

The list of possible idea statuses are now returned in the available_statuses field on Community API v2 Message objects. You can used this field in the SELECT statement, but not in the WHERE or ORDER BY clauses. See the Message resource knowledge base article for more details.

Community API v1

Clarification about Board/threads/popular and Board/threads/top calls

The API documentation for Board/threads/popular and Board/threads/top has been clarified. These calls are to be used with contest and idea exchange boards only. If you have custom components that use these calls to retrieve top or popular boards of other interaction styles, those components should be reviewed and updated, as the results returned for other interaction styles will not be in the correct order.

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • @mentions now auto-suggests matching usernames that are only 2 characters long. (Previously, usernames needed to be 3 characters to appear in this list.)
  • Previously, if you signed on to Studio and clicked any letter on the keyboard, the first layout matching the letter you typed would open (because the quilt editor's Layout menu is selected by default) and automatically save that change. We have fixed this behavior so that no changes are saved unless the user explicitly saves the changes.
  • Label names that include colons (for example, “Test: test”) were not displaying in the TKB search filter, preventing users from being able to search for labels using this syntax. This issue has been fixed, and labels that include colons now appear in the search filter list and can be filtered properly.
  • Under specific circumstances, clicking your avatar on the profile page opened a blank window. This display issue has been fixed, and the avatar chooser dialog box now displays properly.
  • Previously, if you scrolled on a page while the TKB editor was inactive and then clicked the full screen button, the TKB editor would be removed from the page, leaving only the body and no post options. This display issue has been fixed.
  • Previously, when sorting your Private Messenger inbox, usernames were not sorted in alphabetical order if any of the usernames included capital letters. This sorting issue has been fixed, and now all usernames are sorted in the correct order in the Private Messenger inbox.
  • When members with only Simple HTML permissions attempted to save a TKB article that had spaces in its title while @mentions was enabled, they used to receive an error message. This edge case has been fixed, and the error no longer occurs.
  • We have fixed the message counter for merged topics so that the root topic and all subsequent posts appear in the correct order. (For example, the root message is shown as Message 1 of 5, instead of Message 2 of 5.)
  • Previously, when members with an uploaded image as part of their signature tried to view posted messages, they would receive an error. This issue has been fixed.
  • When word verification (CAPTCHA) is enabled, users are now prompted to enter a challenge phrase when posting through the Ask a Question workflow.
  • We have fixed the issue where you could not create custom statuses for Contests (located under Contest Board > Board Admin > System > Statuses). You can now create new contest statuses and assign them to contest entries.
  • Previously, the TKB Dashboard page was missing the TkbDashboardPage class in its body tag, making the Dashboard more difficult to find. The body tag has been updated to include the TkbDashboardPage
  • Previously, if you enabled the Turn on batch processing search option and then attempted to perform a bulk action (for example, selecting multiple search results) when there were more than 10 items in the search results, you would get an error. This issue has been fixed, and now you can perform bulk actions without receiving an error.
  • We have fixed the issue where avatars that were manually uploaded were not being displayed under HTTPS on secure pages.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, TinyMCE used to stop working when you switched between the Rich Text and HTML tabs. This issue has been fixed.
  • Previously, when you attempted to add an attachment that exceeded the defined maximum attachment size to a post, you would get a message stating that the attachment was too large (as you'd expect). Then, however, you couldn't remove the attachment or submit your post without receiving errors. We have fixed this issue, and now you'll be able to remove the attachment and submit your post.
  • When you edit an existing badge, the activation date displayed on the Badge list page used to change to 12-31-1969. This display issue has been fixed and the activation date remains the same after you edit a badge.
  • Previously, when you highlighted text in a reply and attempted to use the copy/drag command on your keyboard (alt+dragdrop on Mac; ctrl+dragdrop on Windows), the highlighted text was moved instead of copied. This issue has been fixed, and the text is now copied and not removed from the highlighted location.



Updated 7 months ago
Version 3.0
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