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Release Notes & Updates

15.2 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
11 years ago

The 15.2 Release provides several improvements to key community features. Specifically, we have revamped the styling and usability of our @Mentions feature. We have given admins more control over pre-defined labels from the Community Admin, now enabling them to delete labels directly from the Community Admin Labels page. We’ve given Studio users more control over where they can insert tags, links, and JavaScript into the page head content of the wrapper. Finally, we’ve added additional columns to our LSI bulk data API to enable you to collect the metrics you want to report on.


New features and enhancements:

Improvements to @Mentions

We have overhauled the styling and performance of our @Mentions feature to make it easier to engage other members into a conversation.

Now, when you type an ampersand (@) to start mentioning someone in a post, you get a more stylized and intuitive menu:

Additionally, when you reply to a message and invoke @mentions, we now pre-populate the menu with members who are already part of the conversation:


Mentioned members are clearly identified in the posts while you’re writing your post or reply

 Other enhancements include:

  • Ability to see @mentioned names (instead of blank space) in search results and on the Recent Posts page
  • Backspacing over an @mention, deactivates it and converts it back to normal, editable text:
  • You can now type an apostrophe+s (‘s) as well as other characters immediately after an @mention without breaking the @mention.
  • @mentions now supports user names with spaces and special characters, if your community also supports usernames with spaces or special characters.
  • @mentions now supports spaces and special character for @mentions entered manually in non-rich-text editors (for example, mobile).
  • Typing in front of or after @mentions no longer overwrites the @mention name.
  • Typing over a character inside an @mentioned name deactivates the @Mention link.
  • You can now press the Escape key to exit out of the @mention menu. (Any text you’ve entered before pressing Escape remains in your post as plain text.)
  • While on a page, we keep previously @mentioned names cached, making future @mentions faster.

 To learn more about the @Mentions feature, check out About @Mentions.

Ability to delete labels from Admin

In addition to being able to edit the text associated with community labels, Community admins can now delete labels from the system from the Community Admin Labels page.

Note: Deleting a user-defined label deletes the label from the system and all instances of that label in posts where it was used. If you delete a predefined label from this page, only the instances of the label in posts are deleted. The predefined label is still available for use.
If you want to remove a predefined label from the system so it can no longer be used, you must remove it from the Predefined labels list for the board under Features > Labels.


To delete a community label:

  1. Go to Community Admin > Features > Labels.
  2. Click Edit Labels.
  3. Select a label in the list.
  4. Click Delete.

Revised Accept as Solution Reminder and Unanswered Thread email templates

We have fixed the Accept as Solution Reminder and Unanswered Thread email notification templates to respect the time zone settings that users set under My Settings > Preferences.

Note: If you have not customized these email templates and are still using the out-of-the-box versions, you don’t need to do anything.

However, if you have customized these templates, you need to edit your customized template to include the correct time stamp variable.


To edit your customized email template:

  1. Go to Studio > Text Editor > Email Text.
  2. Open the Select Email Template menu and choose the Accept as Solution Reminder or Unanswered Thread email template, as needed.
  3. Click View.
  4. In the Editable Email Text pane, make these changes:
    *   all instances of “thread” to “notification.message.discussion
    *   all instances of “thread.topicMessage.postDate” to  “notification.threadFormattedDate
    *   all instances of “answer” to “notification.message
  5. Click Save.

As reference, here are some screenshots that indicate the location where these changes need to be made in each template.

Accept as Solution Reminder email template changes

Rows highlighted in red indicate the before text. Rows highlighted in green indicate the after text.

Unanswered Thread email template changes

Rows highlighted in red indicate the before text. Rows highlighted in green indicate the after text.

More control for where to add page head content in the wrapper

We’ve improved flexibility for where you can insert tags, links, and JavaScript into the page head content of the wrapper in Studio. This is code that is inserted immediately after the <head> tag and is not displayed to community users.


In previous releases, code entered in the Page Head Content area of the Studio > Community Style > Community Skins > Wrapper was inserted directly after the <title> tag. We have broken the page head content area into two separate text areas, so you can also insert code right before the closing </head> tag as well.

When the page renders, the code is inserted in these locations:

Updates to the Lithium Bulk Data API

The Community Lithium Bulk Data API, first released in 14.10, provides a daily extract of event logs for a specified community in JSON or as a flat CSV file. Lithium event logs capture client-side request information as well as all associated information related to the request.

These events are aggregated into the Page View, Post, or Kudos counts you see in Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI). The Bulk Data API excludes bot and crawler traffic, which mimics the event/traffic data in LSI. You can use this API to store the community event logs for specific days in your own data store and then use your own report builder tool to build custom metrics, KPIs, and reports that you can schedule and run on a regular and automated basis.

With the 15.2 release, the Lithium Bulk Data API includes these new columns:


Column Label




Title of thread on which this action took place.

Troubleshooting Product XYZ


Title of board on which this action took place

Product XYZ


Username of the person taking the action



Username of the person being acted upon



Type of the message, if the action took place on a message. Messages can be

·      topic: new thread in forum or Q&A

·      article: new thread in TKB

·      question: new thread in Q&A

·      idea: new thread for Idea

·      reply: reply to forum or Groups

·      comment: reply to TKB, Q&A, Blog, Idea, Contest, Media

·      review: reply to Review

·      answer: answer to Q&A



If the action took place on a message, this column would include the names of any labels on the message.

Label names


If the action took place on a message, this column would include the names of any tags on the message.

Tag names


To learn more about using the Lithium Bulk API, including a full description of each of the available data columns, check out the Using the Lithium Bulk Data API article.

Community API v2 search query parameter for reporting

We added a new query parameter to use with LiQL calls when the LiQL call is backing a search component in the user interface and you want the search events captured in LSI search reports.

The new parameter is:



The parameter is supported only for LiQL calls that use MATCHES when filtering on a Message collection. For example:

<#assign x= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE body MATCHES 'wireless' OR subject MATCHES 'wireless'&api.for_ui_search=true"?url) />


This query parameter is documented in Using LiQL.

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • Previously, when an idea in idea exchange had a status set and then got moved to another idea exchange, it caused some discrepancies in the ideas.widget.statuses component and the status-key sorting options. The idea retained the status it had on the original idea exchange. However, after it was moved, it caused the unspecified status count to increment by 1 in the ideas.widget.statuses component on the destination idea exchange, even if it didn’t allow ideas to have their status set to unspecified. Additionally, if a user tried to view all of the ideas with the unspecified status, they could not see the idea that was moved to the idea exchange. These discrepancies have been fixed. Now, when ideas are moved between idea exchanges, the idea is given the new idea exchanges default status value and displays appropriately.
  • We have fixed the issue where a JavaScript error was being thrown when you clicked the TinyMCE Insert Code button.
  • Previously, when you ran an Admin Metrics report for a given date range and the time zone set in your profile was different than the datacenter server’s time zone (-0800 for SJ, +0000 for AM), it caused the date range for the report to be set back one day. We have fixed this discrepancy, and now the reports provide information for the appropriate day.
  • Escalated and Solved messages now use discreet span classes (<span class=“escalated”> for Escalated and <span class=“solved”>for Solved).
  • Previously, when you tried to re-create an idea status that was already deleted, you would receive an unexpected error. This issue has been fixed, and you are now able to re-create the idea status without getting any errors.
  • We have fixed the issue that resulted in an error when users closed their accounts and then tried to re-register using the same SSO ID from the original account.
  • In certain situations, notifications that a topic had been edited were being sent when a topic was marked/unmarked as read-only. This issue has been fixed.
  • The Close Account button text is has now been localized for non-English languages.
  • Studio now includes validation so that you cannot create a component or endpoint if its title includes non-English (unicode) characters (such as ñ, ê, ç).

Important: If you already have existing custom components or endpoints that have non-English (unicode) characters in the name, you must change the name and corresponding code that refers to the components.


Updated 9 months ago
Version 12.0


  • I'm confused by something in the email templates section.    Item #4 in the edit instructions says to change "all instances of “thread” to “message.discussion".    However in the highlighted examples right underneath you are replacing "thread" with "notification.message.discussion".   Can you please clarify which one it should be?

  • I was confused by that too rwm . In the end I reset it back to the default message in Lithium, and I'll update it with our template again soon.

  • JohnD's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    rwm - I fixed the discrepancy. Sorry for the confusion.