pw5081 Thanks for the clarification. I understand how that metric seems useful for a new community. However we have been working with quite a few customers that have been with us for 5+ years. The challenge for older communities with using lifetime registrations is that the ratio will always decline. The denominator of total registered members always goes up. And there are always users who accidentaly create multiple logins and stop using the old ones, create dummy accounts, or stop becoming active participants. So you will wind up measuring yourself against a metric that perpetually declines as active users stabilize but non-active users continue to increase with time. We believe a counts of registerations / unique users who do not login provides a more actionable measure as that tells you who has come in recently that has not logged in and how many of those visitors you convert to registered members in the same date range. So you can measure yourself on how many new users who have not logged in you can attact. And how many of them you can convert to become users. And you don't have this perpetually growing set of non-users who you can't do anything about anyways.