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Release Notes & Updates

16.7 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

New Features

Groups (new responsive design)

Groups is now fully supported on Responsive. While building out and certifying the Groups discussion style for Responsive, we took the opportunity to update the design.

Group posts, details, and members are more clearly laid out, and the call to action to Start a Topic is more prominently displayed:

Similarly, the layout of the Start a Topic page has been streamlined:

Learn more about working with Groups.

New parameter for the Group Members tab

You can override the Community Admin setting for the number of group members to display in the Group Members component using the memberListSize parameter in XML View. This parameter is supported only when using a Lithium Responsive skin.

Important Lithium Social Intelligence Update

We will be upgrading the Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI) processor technology in the 16.10 release (November 2016) and are providing this advance notice to ensure a smooth transition. With this upgrade LSI will be able to provide you with near real-time data. This improved processor will impact all communities. Starting in 16.10, all of your historical LSI data will be processed by the new processor. 

Updated documentation for the Masonry Message List Component

The Masonry Message List component includes many options configured in the XML View for a page. We’ve put together a comprehensive article of the different options. See Configure the Masonry Message List component for details.

API Changes

FreeMarker Updates

nodes FreeMarker Context Object

We have exposed the previously internal-only nodes context object for public use. The context object is supported only for communities using the Top-Level Category feature. The methods both set and get the display ID of a top-level category. The methods can only be used within the page initialization script (common.init). This context object is available for public use on communities running version 15.0 and later.

requestLanguage Method on http.request Context Object

We have added a requestLanguage method to http.request. The method returns whether a language was set for the request or not. You can use this in the page initialization script

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • We have fixed the issue where skins were disappearing from production sites.
  • Users without the proper permissions can no longer close the accounts of other users.
  • We have fixed the issue where deleting a badge that had been awarded to a very large number of users (millions) resulted in long-running queries and possible outages. Now, these deletions are handled in smaller batches to avoid these problems.
  • Previously, when a thread was moved from one board to another, all users subscribed to the thread received a real-time notification in their feed that a new reply was received for the topic. We have fixed this issue so that no “new reply” notification is sent when a thread is moved.
  • We have fixed the issue where the message editor kept shrinking to a height of 0, resulting in it becoming unusable. This issue occurred when using a custom skin based on responsive peak that defined the height as 100% in the style.scss.
  • Previously, there were display issues when using Arabic on Responsive Peak; these display issues have been fixed.
  • We have fixed the issue where the site breadcrumb was not being displayed on category and subcategory pages.
  • Previously, if you tried to paste text into the message body area using the Paste option in the Microsoft Edge’s browser context menu, the text would not be pasted into the editor. This issue has been fixed.
  • Previously, if you received a private message from another user, opened the private message, and then clicked Friend, you’d add yourself to the Friend list instead of the user who sent you the message. This issue was seen only on Responsive and has been fixed.
  • We have fixed the issue where an image originally uploaded to a TKB article using Media V3 was not able to be edited later after upgrading to Media V4.
  • We have fixed the issue where if you assigned a role that included an exclamation point in its name (for example, “Test!”) to an avatar set, the ability to self-publish in Studio was disabled.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 7.0


  • SuzieH looking for more information I found this post, I was wondering if there is any difference between these two:

    <#assign lang = http.request.requestLanguage />
    <#-- and -->
    <#assign lang = http.request.getHeader("Accept-Language") />

    in terms of what they query in the background?

    thanks for looking into it!

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    7 years ago

    Hi luk This is the response I received from Engineering.  Does this information help?


    The http.request.requestLanguage call is used to see if an alternate language has been set for the current request. This will not return anything unless http.request.setRequestLanguage(“<lang>”) has been called (http.request.setRequestLanguage should be called via the Page Initialization Script so it gets set only once for the request, early on – otherwise you may experience strange issues).

    It is not necessarily the same as the http.request.getHeader("Accept-Language"), but you could read that header in your page initialization script and call http.request.setRequestLanguage(“<value of Accept-Language header>”) to make them the same.