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Release Notes & Updates

16.9 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

New Features

Use Teaser images in the Masonry Message List

Starting with 16.9, the Masonry Message List component displays the first image in the teaser in the Masonry tile for blog and TKB article posts by default.

Prior to 16.9, the component displayed the first image in the message body (if one existed) within the Masonry tile. To continue using the old behavior, set the li-use-teaser parameter for the Masonry Message List (media.widget.masonry-grid) to false in the page XML View:

<component id=”media.widget.masonry-grid” li-use-teaser=”false” />

When li-use-teaser is true:

  • The component pulls the tile image from the teaser for all conversation styles that support teasers (Blog and TKB)
  • If multiple images exist in the teaser, the component uses the first one
  • If there are no images in the teaser, the component shows the first image found in the message body (if one exists)
  • For conversation styles that do not support teasers, the component uses the first image found in the message body (if one exists)

New settings for user and product @mentions

You can now set the maximum number of matching results to display in the user and product @mention pop-up menu that users see when typing an @mention. By default, the maximum number of results to display is 5. For example:

To change the maximum number of results to display in the @mentions pop-up menu:

  1. Go to Community Admin > Features > @Mentions.
  2. For user mentions, enter a value (1-100) in the Maximum number of users to show in user mention search results field.
    For product mentions, enter a value (1-100) in the Maximum number of products to show in user mention search results field.

  3. Click Save.

Learn more about enabling user mentions and product mentions.

Search Before Post updates for Responsive

Idea Exchanges in Responsive communities have supported an enhanced Search Before Post experience since Ideas version 2.2 (released with Community 16.3). Those enhancements include:

  • Require users to search for similar messages before posting. This can help to minimize duplicate content on the community.
  • Adding an advisory message to help your community users understand how to use a board, category, or community, and what outcomes the users can expect. For example,  you might display a message about how your community team reviews ideas and that it could take some time between the period when an idea is accepted and the idea is implemented.

As of Community 16.9, we've expanded the Search Before Post enhancements to Blogs, Contests, Forums, Groups, and TKBs. We've also changed the location of the settings in Community Admin.

Note: These features are available only with Lithium Responsive.

See Search Before Post enhancements with Lithium Responsive for details about the features and configuration instructions.

The Search Before Post enhancements require Responsive Base 2.0+ and Responsive Peak 2.0+, as well as these minimum feature versions for the conversation styles with which you want to use the enhancements.

  • Blogs 2.0+
  • Contests 4.0+
  • Forums 4.0+
  • Groups 3.0+
  • Ideas 2.2+
  • TKB 3.0+ 

Message View updates for Responsive

In the 16.9 Release, we completed a refactor of the pages/quilts and components used to display messages when using Lithium Responsive.

Refer to this article to learn more about how messages are displayed in Lithium Responsive pages. This article lists the Lithium Responsive pages that use a message view, the quilts used by those pages to format the display, the various components used in the different pages to create the functional pieces, and the feature versions required for each.

Note: Pages and components listed in this article are dependent on specific feature versions (listed for each page or component)and require Messages feature version 2.0 and higher.

API changes

You can now sort queries on the categories and boards collections by depth.

LiQL now supports the depth field in the WHERE clause when querying the categories and boards collections. For example, the following queries return the ID and title of categories (or boards) with at least one message, ordered by the depth of where the categories (or boards) appear from the root Community in the community structure. 

SELECT id, title FROM categories WHERE messages.count(*) >1 ORDER BY depth DESC
SELECT id, title FROM boards WHERE messages.count(*) >1 ORDER BY depth DESC

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • Previously, when you @mentioned someone whose username matched more than 5 other usernames on the community, the exact username match didn’t appear at the top of the list. For example, if you @mentioned the user “Bert” and there were other users named “Albert”, “Alberto”, “Dilbert”, “Bertie”, and “BertS”, “the name “Bert” would not be listed in the top 5 results. This display issue has been fixed, and now the username that most exactly matches the name in the @mention now appears at the top of the list. Additionally, we have added new admin settings (described earlier in these Release Notes) to set the maximum number of @mention results to display.
  • We have fixed the issue where filtering a search to a knowledge base while on a TKB page wasn’t working as expected. Now, when you perform this search, you are taken to the search page with the appropriate TKB selection.
  • We have fixed the issue where the post form on boards requiring labels did not display the label input field and enabled you to post without including a label. Now, the field displays, and you cannot post without first including a label.
  • We have fixed the issue where endpoints did not work/display in Preview mode.
  • The blog article comment count now uses the correct singular (1 comment) or plural (2 comments) text.
  • We have fixed the issue where using emojis in the body of a private message resulted in an error.
  • We have fixed the issue where the TKB manual sorting option was not being applied in the masonry view or on responsive. Now, when manual sorting is enabled for a TKB, the sort order is retained in all cases.
  • We have fixed the issue where changes merged back to the local plug-in repository from SVN didn’t work and resulted in an error.
  • Previously, when posting from a mobile device, if you @mentioned a user whose username had only two characters (for example, “DR”), the @mention would appear twice. This display issue has been fixed.
  • Previously, if you attempted to choose a board from the Post Page board selector when not signed in to the community, no boards would be listed or selectable. Now, the boards display and are selectable.
  • We have fixed the issue where you could not edit comments for a revision in Studio when background save was enabled.
  • Previously, when a user changed their password, not all of the active sessions were shut down. Instead, they remained active. We have changed this behavior so that when users change their password, any active sessions they have are immediately closed.
  • We have fixed the issue where threads were being escalated to Salesforce twice, creating duplicate tickets.
  • Previously, if you turned off Value Analytics at the community level and enabled it at the category/board level, the Customer Experience Survey would throw an error. This issue has been fixed, and the survey works as expected.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 5.0
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