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Ad Performance Explorer Widgets in Khoros Social Marketing (formerly Conversations): Now Available!

JoannaB's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

What’s launching?

Khoros has enhanced our Ads Capabilities offering by providing more ways to splice and view data across your ads and ad campaigns across all your ad accounts.  We have introduced 5 new Ads Performance Explorer widgets to help you answer questions important to your business:


  • Ad Campaign Explorer: How effective are my campaigns? Am I investing in the right places?
  • Ad Objective Explorer: Which objectives are performing best across my ad content?
  • Ad Set Explorer: How is my content resonating with my audiences? Are we investing in the right audiences within our ad sets?
  • Ad Account Explorer: Where am I spending the most money and is that within budget? 
  • Ad Explorer: How is my creative performing?

When do I use these new widgets?

There are many ways to view ad performance and these new widgets provide a holistic view of your ad accounts broken down across different dimensions.  Are your internal or external teams running ads at certain times in a month or quarter? Are your accounts or campaigns spending more or less than planned?  The ability to customize data across different dimensions will help inform future ad planning and strategies.


  • Ad Explorer allows you the granular ad performance to see how different creative used in a campaign performed.


  • Ad Campaign Explorer allows users to see how campaigns across ad accounts performed, helping you identify what is working or not to get the most out of your ad spend.


  • Ad Objective Explorer allows you to see how objectives are performing across your ad accounts and campaigns.


  • Ad Set Explorer allows you to see what Ad Sets are engaging with your ads most, and more importantly those who are not, which will in turn helps inform future ad strategy in which content resonates best with certain audiences.


  • Ad Account Explorer allows you to see how each of your accounts are performing.  You can identify where your ad spend is the most and if within planned budgets.


Each widget increases visibility across all ad accounts helping reduce time viewing accounts individually in native platforms. Each table is fully customizable and filterable allowing you to report on the metrics most valuable to you in measuring performance.


This sounds great! How do I get started?

Our new Ads table widgets can be found within your Marketing Dashboards in Analytics within Social Marketing.  For those users with existing saved dashboards that you created, simply edit your dashboard and add in the new Ads widgets.  


Does everyone have access to the new Ads widgets within Analytics?

Yes!  As long as your company has authenticated ad account(s), and you have access to marketing analytics, you can add these new widgets to your Marketing Dashboards to measure ad performance. For more information on how to authenticate your ad accounts see here


What else should I know?

Khoros Social Marketing is able to report on ads created after February 1, 2019, or from the date you authenticated the ad account into the platform.  Please note that any ads you may have created prior to this date will not be available within Khoros analytics data in dashboards and exports.


Looking for help or need more information?

Sign up for a Product Coaching session to learn more about marketing analytics and get assistance with reporting.


Thank You!

Your Marketing Analytics Team

Updated 8 months ago
Version 3.0
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