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Ads Readiness Guide: Prepare your team for ads in Conversations!

DianniO's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

Ads are Coming to Khoros!

On April 24th, 2019 we will be launching a slew of new ads capabilities within Khoros Conversations. This functionality will be available to you once you authenticate your ad accounts in the platform (it is not a separate module you will need to purchase).

This blog post will help you and your team get set up to take advantage of this new ads solution, including what you need to know to get your user permissions set up and your Facebook Ad Accounts authenticated.

Functionality: What’s launching in the platform?

For a more detailed overview of what’s launching, check out the Ads Preview Product Blog Post.

Starting with support for Facebook and Instagram, we are integrating ads throughout your workflows in Conversations. Specifically:

  • Authentication and User Permissions: See which ad accounts are associated with which Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, plus set up user permissions and workspaces.
  • Visibility: See ads in Calendar (day, month, week, list) and filter between ads and posts.
  • Business Context: Bulk label ads in Calendar for added business context in analytics.
  • Data Exports: Export your ads data across ad accounts.
  • Analytics Dashboards: Build ads-specific dashboards or add ads widgets to existing marketing dashboards with new visualizations and widgets.

Overview: What You Need to Consider

Whether your team fully owns the social advertising budget, is a stakeholder or collaborator for ads programs, or is just getting started, there is a lot of value in surfacing your ad and organic content and analytics in a single platform. Below are the steps we recommend taking in order to best prepare your organization to take advantage of the ads capabilities within Conversations.

At the highest level, there are three things you need to do:

  1. Determine your desired user roles and workspaces (who on your team do you want to have access and/or visibility to ads in different areas of the platform)
  2. Authenticate your ad accounts. Note: you will not see any changes in the platform until you do this.
  3. Determine whether you need additional users, groups, or accounts and, if so, reach out to your Khoros Account Executive.

How To: Steps to Get Your Team Ready

1. Determine Desired User Roles and Workspaces

Each user has both a role and a workspace that dictate what they can do and see in the platform, respectively. If you do not care to limit visibility of ads in calendar and/or analytics to specific users (i.e. every user can see everything), then the only action you need to take is authenticating your ad accounts. See #2 in this document for more details on authenticating your ad accounts.

There are three layers of control you need to consider for your users:

  • User Roles: Who can authenticate and remove ads accounts
  • Workspaces: Who can see ads in Calendar (does not yet include ad spend)
  • Workspaces: Who can see ads metrics within Analytics (does include ad spend)


** Need to learn more about setting up Custom Roles?  click here

 ** Need to learn more about setting up Custom Workspaces? Click here

2. Authenticate Your Ad Accounts

If you do not authenticate your ad accounts within Conversations, you will not see any changes or impact within the platform. In order to take advantage of the ads capabilities, you must authenticate your ad accounts into Khoros Conversations.

If you own your ad accounts and/or have access to them:

You can authenticate your ad accounts into Conversations at any time. You can authenticate your ad accounts into Conversations at any time here.

If another internal team or agency owns your ad accounts:

You will need to reach out to who owns the account to get access to authenticate the ad account within Conversations. It’s important to let these teams know that while authenticating these accounts provides valuable visibility to you and your team, it does not impact any outgoing content (i.e. you are not able to adjust spend or content from within Conversations).

Once ready, follow the instructions for authenticating ad accounts found in Khoros Help.

3. Identify Additional Users, Groups, and/or Accounts (if Required)

The functionality described above is included in your Conversations contract and is not a separate module that you will need to purchase. However, if you have additional users or groups who will need access who do not have seats today, or if you need to purchase additional accounts in order to authenticate your ad accounts, please contact your Account Representative.

Scenarios: Common Configurations + Setup Steps

We’ve designed user roles, workspaces, and ad account authentication to give you and your team complete governance and control over who has access to your ads within Conversations. Below are some common scenarios we’ve come across within our customers’ team structures and the steps you can take to achieve this scenario.

What are you looking for your users to have access to?

I have custom workspaces and I want users to see Ads.

  • This custom workspace won’t have an automatic change, there is a required action for you to go to workspaces and grant ads visibility for Analytics. See above for instructions.

I have Analytics-only users that I want to see Ads.

  • These users have a custom workspace today. This custom workspace won’t have an automatic change, there is a required action for you to go to workspaces and grant ads visibility for Analytics.  

I have Analytics-only users that I do not want to see Ads.

  • No change is required. These users have a custom workspace today. This custom workspace won’t have an automatic change, there is no required action.  

I have a Care only user, who I want to have moderate comments on Facebook and Instagram Ads.

  • If you are already moderating ads, there is no action required. If you have not set this up, please see here. Ads workspaces are not going to impact your inbox.   

My agency owns my ad account, but I want to see what ads my agency is creating and get visibility.   

  • You can create a custom user for your agency that will provide them with access to the platform to only authenticate accounts.
  • It’s worth noting to your agency that Conversations users will have read-only visibility to the ad accounts. They will not be able to change creative, ad spend, etc.

I want my users to have access to any ad account associated to any Facebook page or Instagram account they already have access to within Conversations.

  • Great! There’s no change you need to take here other than ensuring that these users are in an Advanced Workspace today.

I have a group of users with Advanced Workspace access today, but I don't want them having any visibility for ads.

  • Create a custom workspace, where you don't have ads enabled.
  • Migrate the users from Advanced Workspace to the New Custom Workspace before end of April. Do not check either “ads visibility” checkbox when you create this Custom Workspace.

I have a group of users with Advanced Workspace access today, and I want them to have visibility of ads ONLY within Analytics, not Calendar.

  • Create a custom workspace, where you only have ads enabled in Analytics
  • Migrate the users who should only see ads in Analytics from Advanced to the New Custom Workspace before end of April.

I have a group of users with Advanced Workspace access today, and I want them to have visibility of ads ONLY within Calendar, not Analytics.

  • Create a Custom Workspace, where you only have ads enabled in Calendar (by checking the visibility checkbox for Calendar in the set up).
  • Migrate the users who should only see ads in Calendar from Advanced Workspace to the New Custom Workspace before end of April.
  • Note: This set of users will not see ad spend today, as Ad Spend metrics are not yet on the Calendar. This is on the roadmap, targeted for early Summer. We will proactively communicate any changes before this goes live so that you can make changes to prevent visibility into ad spend within Calendar for certain users if this is your goal.   

I have a group of users that I do not want to see Ad Spend metrics at all anywhere in the platform. (Net effect: Only enable Calendar for now.)

  • To prevent visibility of ad spend metrics, create a custom workspace, where you only enable Ads visibility in Calendar. Migrate the users from Advanced to New Custom Workspace before end of April.
  • At launch in late April, ad spend will not be visible anywhere in the Calendar. This is on the roadmap targeted for early Summer. If you do not want users to have access to ad spend anywhere in the platform, you will simply need to follow the steps below. Just note that you will need to update your settings once ad spend goes live within Calendar to prevent visibility. We will proactively communicate any changes before visibility of ad spend in Calendar goes live so that you can make the required changes.

Looking for More Information or Need Help?

Updated 9 months ago
Version 4.0
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