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Release Notes & Updates

Announcement: Advanced Twitter Metrics Changes

EmmaO's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
2 years ago

The API supporting Advanced Twitter Metrics is being deprecated. In order to continue providing these metrics, Advanced Twitter Metrics have been switched over to a new API including differences.  

The new API supports all Advanced Twitter Metrics, but the following metrics. This means as of today these metrics will no longer populate or be included in calculated metrics. However, historical data and calculations will be maintained. 



Twitter Post Reach - Advanced 


Twitter Post Quote Retweets - Advanced


Twitter Post Unfavorites - Advanced

Included in Engagement

Twitter Post Unreplies - Advanced

Included in Engagement

Twitter Post Unretweets - Advanced

Included in Engagement

Twitter Post Unquote Retweets - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Starts - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - Complete - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - 25% - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - 50% - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - 75% - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - 95% - Advanced


Twitter Post Video Views - Complete - Advanced


Video views in the new API are aggregated across all Tweets in which the video is posted. This includes retweets and other Tweets containing the same video. This will cause this metric to be different from natively analytics. 

The new API also includes paid data for all promoted posts metrics but Impressions. Therefore, the
Paid Metrics toggle has been updated to only combine ad data for other metrics prior to today. Moving forward impressions will be the only metric that is combined since all other metrics include paid data. 

In order to scale this API appropriately the seven day fetch limitation has been maintained and metrics are not updated as frequently on a daily basis. All other Advanced Twitter Metrics features, remain intact and there is no impact to Standard Twitter Metrics. 



Updated 9 months ago
Version 6.0


  • Hello! I do not see any reach data for Twitter posts published on and after Aug. 1, though I am still able to access the other (still available) Twitter advanced metrics. Is reach still available, or will that no longer be provided? 

  • EmmaO's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    2 years ago

    boeing Unfortunately, that metric is not available in the new API and should have been included as a missing metrics in this post. However, impressions is still available.