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Release Notes & Updates

Approvals Activity Log in Khoros Social Marketing: Now Available!

JacquelineS's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

What’s Launching

We’re excited to introduce a new feature creating enhanced oversight of your approvals operations.

Approvals activity log summarizes when approval rules and approval teams are added, edited, and deleted.

Customers with multiple initiatives and multiple approval rules will now be able to identify when and how edits to your rule set will impact your posts and replies.

Changes to approval teams and rules will be timestamped, with the actor identified, posts or replies, team and initiative impacted. 

How do I get started?

Approvals activity log is located within the Administration section of the Khoros Social Marketing product.

Company admins and manager roles only will have access to this feature. Company admins and managers roles only can add, edit or delete approval rules and approval teams. 

To locate the Approvals Activity Log, navigate to the profile button within Khoros Social Marketing > select Company Settings > navigate to Approvals within the Approvals left panel and select “Activity.”

What else should I know?

Customers with multiple approval rules will see them listed in priority order in the left hand column of “Approval Rules”.

For Activity Log purposes, we are enumerating all of your rules in numerical order (top to bottom, #1, #2, and so forth). This is in order to associate a change in rule in the activity log to the coinciding rule that changed within your approvals settings.

Approval activity log will reflect changes dated February 19, 2020, onward. The log will not be retroactive.

The following actions will be captured within the activity log:

  • Added New Team
  • Edited Approval Team
  • Deleted Approval Team
  • Added Team to Rules
  • Edited Team Order (includes team order, switching between sequential, parallel)
  • Removed Team from Rules
  • Added New Rule
  • Edited Approval Rule
  • Deleted Approval Rule

The activity log is sortable by date, additionally you will have the ability to filter by actor, action, approval team, initiative and type (post or response).

The activity log is not exportable at this time.

More Questions

Khoros values governance and we hope this new visualization and information added insights to your operations.

Any further questions, please engage

Thank you! 

Marketing Approvals Team

Updated 9 months ago
Version 6.0
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