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Billing Metrics in Community Analytics

SudheeshN's avatar
Khoros Staff
4 years ago

Khoros Community contracts offer a set of subscriptions to the customers. These subscriptions also include two metrics: Billable Application Calls (BAC) and Annual Total Visits (ATV). In the past, Community packages came with a different set of metrics - Page ViewsHuman Page Views, and Server Requests

The above five metrics are collectively referred to as Billing Metrics

Billing Metrics in Community Analytics will help customers track some of the key performance indicators in their community and be able to predict how their contract with Khoros can change or grow in the future. The information provided includes a graphical representation of the metrics’ usage against the contractual tiers as well as the timeline view of the usage.

User Interaction & Design
The summary view at the top of the screen shows the aggregate of the total usage for all subscribed metrics in the time period chosen by the user.
The comparison of the current usage is shown against the contractual tier limits for the metrics subscribed to in the community contract. There is one widget for each metric.
  • Billable Application Calls: Billable Application Calls are calls made on the Community API (v1 & v2) that originate from an external site outside of the hosted Khoros Community instance. It also includes REST calls made in ActiveCast/Community Syndication components. 
  • Annual Total Visits: The annual entitlement as part of Annual Total Visits resets at the end of every 12 months from the contract start date. The usage % indicates the percentage of the entitlement consumed as of the last completed month.

The timeline view of usage of the metrics is available in four different granularities: hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly. The user can download the usage data in CSV format as well as schedule a report to be delivered by email.

Are the usage % updated in real-time?
Not completely; the usage % for all the Billing Metrics are computed and displayed for the last completed month. However, the actual usage data is updated daily.

Who can access Billing Metrics in Community Analytics?
No special permission is required to access Billing Metrics. Any user who could access Community Analytics would be able to access Billing Metrics as well. To access Community Analytics, a user needs to have either Administrator role or Analytics role assigned.

Feature Enablement
Billing Metrics was made available for General Adoption as part of the 21.1 Community release. The activation of the feature was done based on customer requests. You can contact the Support team to request for the feature activation.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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