Release Notes & Updates
Classic Communities: 24.10 Release Notes
4 months agoKhoros Staff
Table of Content
Content Filters: Ignore diacritics
When you create or edit a content filter, you can now specify whether you want the filter to ignore diacritics or to recognize characters with diacritics as unique characters.
For example, when you turn on Ignore diacritics, “chëēse” and “cheese” are treated as the same word. If you do not turn on this option, “chëēse” is not recognized in a filter that prevents a user from posting the word “cheese.”
Turning this option off is useful for communities with diverse languages, allowing more precise moderation of words with diacritic variations.
This option is available under Admin > MOD TOOLS > Content Filters.
Enable the Ignore diacritics option for both existing and new filters.
You found it. We fixed it.
- In a previous release, we removed the limitation of 10,000 recipients for private Group Messaging. After testing and extensive review, we have reimplemented the limitation of 10,000 recipients with the Group Messaging feature and plan to address this further with bulk messaging in Communities Aurora. For more information about Group Messaging in Communities Classic, refer to Send a private message to a group of community members.
Content Syndication
- When adding Content Syndication to a webpage, the post view count no longer increases with every page reload, preventing inflated view counts.
Updated 4 months ago
Version 3.0AshaC
Khoros Staff
Joined October 22, 2019
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