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Release Notes & Updates

Improved Spam Management in Community

AshishKe's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

A big problem in all kinds of communities is spam.  At best, it clutters up your community with useless content, and at worst it exposes your users to threats and offensive content. Moderators have to spend significant time cleaning up posts, flagging spam, and reviewing posts marked as spam by the system for any legitimate content that should be restored. To help address these challenges we have introduced several enhancements to make it easier to manage spam on your community.

Spam Quarantine Page

The Spam Quarantine page lists the posts that were identified as spam and redirected to quarantine. With the new Spam Quarantine page you can - 

  • Select multiple posts to mark them as Not Spam if they were mistakenly marked as spam.
  • See whether a post was auto classified as spam by the system, or by a moderator. 
  • Filter out all the auto classified posts for quick review.
  • Select multiple posts and Hide them. The spam posts that you hide will not show up on the Spam Quarantine page. By doing so, you can avoid re-evaluating them for their content. However, the hidden posts will show up on the search results when you search in the Spam Quarantine page.


Ability to mark all the posts of a user as spam while banning the user from your community 

While banning a user from the user’s profile page, check the Mark all content as spam option to mark all the posts of that user as spam and move them to Spam Quarantine. This also deletes all the Private Messages sent by that user.

Ensure that the Match exact username and Match exact email address checkboxes are selected and the user details are of the user whose profile page you are on.


Deleting Private Messages sent by a member while marking all their posts as spam

Earlier, the Mark all content as spam option to mark a member’s posts as spam, did not handle the user’s private messages. You had to manually delete all the private messages from that user. We have now extended this functionality to delete all the private messages sent by the user. This option is available under the Moderator Controls section in the user’s profile page. This will be useful in scenarios when community members are spammed via private messages.


We have also enhanced the spam detection logic so that legitimate posts are not marked as spam when they are edited and published multiple times. 

These enhancements are available to all communities. You can follow the links below to - 

Learn more about spam quarantine 

Learn more about spam management 

Learn more about banning users from the community  

Updated 9 months ago
Version 6.0