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Release Notes & Updates

Instagram Mentions Stream Now Available

DaveGal's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

You can now add Instagram mentions to your Inbox / Care workflows in Social Marketing. 










The mentions stream will source all mentions of a brand in the text or comments of a post. It does not include stories or photo tags. 

*Remember to add the Mentions stream to any relevant customized Topic Queues or Collections. Or if you would not like to receive mentions in your Topic Queues, ensure that you are only sourcing Instagram Organic Activity (and Ads Activity) in the Rules of your Topic Queue. 

Learn more by visiting: Create an Instagram Mentions stream 

If you would like a refresher on adding streams to the Khoros Marketing Inbox, you can sign up for a Moderation Overview Coaching session HERE


Updated 8 months ago
Version 4.0


  • Hi, does this re-introduce some of the functionality for Instagram that was removed previously due to API restrictions? 

  • CaseyM's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Hi RichW ! This does not re-introduce the Instagram Hashtag search streams. That's the only functionality I recall Instagram used to support that has since been removed from their API.

  • But I do seem to be able to pull in keywords from posts on other people's pages?