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Release Notes & Updates

Instructions for Company Admins [Copy of previously sent email]

DanCr's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

NB: The post below is a direct copy of an email sent to all Company Admins at 10:30am CT 1/30, which is being duplicated here for greater accessibility. If you have already received and taken action on the original email, no further action required.


As a Company Admin for your Company, this email is to notify you that we will soon start re-enabling your Khoros Social Marketing and Vault products. We understand the platform outage has disrupted your team, and want to make sure you are prepared to re-enable Social Marketing and Vault for your organization when the Khoros Marketing Platform is fully back online. 

Although some users may be able to login to the platform, no users can publish or perform any critical actions in the platform. We will give official notice at when the platform is ready. We will also send a follow-up email notification, but the status page will always have real-time updates.

We have contacted your named Global Admin with specific instructions that they alone need to take. We have listed those full details below for you to review. These steps are critical to ensure that your users have full access to all capabilities within the Social Marketing and Vault products. Our goal is to set you and your team up for success. If you do not know your Global Admin, reach out to

Access to Experiences and Intelligence products, will be temporarily paused as we focus on access to the larger Marketing Platform. Additional details will follow. We appreciate your continued patience.

Critical points

  • Every platform user had their password reset. 
  • You should be aware of the following, even though this responsibility belongs to Global Admins:
    • We have reviewed all users and maintained those that are consistent with email domain names that match a corporate domain or known partner. Users that did not fit this criterion have had their access suspended. Global Admins have the authority to review suspended accounts and determine if they need to be enabled. 
  • All Twitter accounts are deauthenticated and will need to be re-authenticated. Please review all other social media accounts that may have also been de-authenticated.
  • Publishing across your account was Paused. All scheduled posts are available but will show a Failure to Publish error until you reschedule or approve. 
  • Over the coming days and weeks, you and your teams should be on high alert for any phishing attempts. Examine every email and social network message to ensure it is from a trusted sender. Don't click on links in suspicious email or messages.

Immediate action steps

For your Global Admin
(you are a company Admin, not a Global Admin)

  • Visit
  • If your company utilizes SSO, login as you normally would. If your company does not utilize SSO, then you must initiate a password reset. You will receive an email from Khoros (Spredfast), which is the only email you should expect in relation to your password.
  • Once logged in, click your User Avatar in the top right corner of the screen, select Company Settings, click the Company tab, and then User Product Access.
  • This step is critical for your company security. Review all of your users. Suspended users will be grayed out. Only Global Admins have the ability to enable suspended users. Enable access only for suspended users that you recognize and trust.  

For you as a Company Administrators

  • Re-authenticate any de-authorized Social Accounts in your Initiatives by following the steps found in this article.
  • It is not expected that any post will publish without your direct action. Publishing across your account has been paused. All scheduled posts are available but will show a Failure to Publish error until you reschedule or approve. You should examine your content Calendar to reschedule or remove posts as needed, until you are ready to un-pause publishing. 
  • Steps for un-pausing publishing can be found in this article. Only user roles with permission to administer an initiative can unpause publishing. Prior to un-pausing publishing for each Initiative, consider the following workflows:

Other advice for Publishing, Moderation and Analytics workflows

  • Suspended users can not approve content. Confirm any critical content approval paths. (Guide to Approvals)
  • Review your calendar and make retroactive changes to content as your team needs.
  • Review auto-imported content and apply labels and plans retroactively
  • New items will not be ingested into your Streams and Queues until de-authenticated accounts have been re-authenticated (see step 5).
  • Prior to responding, ensure that you haven’t already done so natively. View the “history” tab in the Social Inbox side pane or in the center column in Care.
  • Clear up any moderation and response activities. (Bulk actions in the inbox)
  • To ensure that you have as much historical data as possible, check that social accounts are re-authenticated (See step 5)
Updated 8 months ago
Version 3.0
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