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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of February 13, 2023

DianeL's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features

Brand Messenger

The new Brand Messenger is now available in Care. This version retains all the capabilities of the old Brand Messenger while also introducing several new features that enable users to further customize their Modern Chat configuration and enhance their customers' messaging experience.

Note: The old version of Brand Messenger will hereafter be referred to as “Brand Messenger Legacy,” while the new version will be referred to only as “Brand Messenger.”

Brand Messenger Legacy will be deprecated in the coming months. We plan to have all customers migrated to Brand Messenger by the end of July 2023. For more information about the migration process, contact Khoros Support.

With Brand Messenger, users now have:

  • The ability to add multiple Brand Messenger integrations in Care. Each of these integrations can be associated with its own Modern Chat widget.
  • The option to add a system message to the top of the chat window that is displayed to all customers. Organizations might use a system message to make disclaimers, link to their privacy policy, or provide other useful information that remains visible to the customer throughout the chat session.
  • The option to create a welcome screen that introduces customers to the chat and provides them with preliminary information before the chat session begins.
  • Accessibility features that are fully compliant with A11Y standards. For details about these features, see Modern Chat Accessibility.

For more information on the Brand Messenger features listed above, see About Brand Messenger.

Care Analytics

Agents/Teams filter

Across all Analytics widgets, the Teams filter has been renamed Agents/Teams. Additionally, the Agent/Teams filter now includes the option to filter by Current or Historical team data. Current team data includes responses from agents who are current members of the selected teams, while historical team data includes responses from all agents (both current members and past members) of the selected teams. The Current option is selected by default.

Note: Historical team data is available as of this release (February 2023) and forward.

Manage View

Save Listening Rules

With this release, the Save option for the Post column is enabled when you select only Listening Rules for the column. This means that you can set up a Post column based on the Listening Rules just as you could prior with any other channel. 

For more information see Filters Available In Manage View columns.

Translate Language (Early Access)

Manage View columns now have an inline Translation option based on the Care user’s personal profile and chosen language. New content can be translated into that language to help the agent better understand the posts. For this early adopter release, the Care user is still expected to understand and respond in the original, native end-user language.

Note: To enable Translation for the columns, reach out to your Customer Success Manager. 

You found it. We fixed it.

Manage View

  • Previously, the Bulk Approval operation for the Moderation columns did not allow the user to view the content within the messages. We have fixed this now; the user can view the content within the message box during the Bulk Approval operation. 
  • Manage View Approvals for My View displayed older conversations when the Newer than 7 Days filter was selected. We have now fixed this to display the conversations as per the filter applied in the View.  
  • Moderated community posts incorrectly appeared in the Unmoderated column and the Accepted/Rejected columns. This has been fixed now to display the moderated posts.  
  • When a user clicked on a particular comment from a list of comments or posts in a Manage View column, the highlighted blue box displayed a different comment on the pop-up window than the one that was selected. This is fixed now to display the selected comment or post.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 2.0


  • Do we know what translation service does the backend for the Translation?  Is it google translate or Amazon?

  • DianeL's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    3 years ago

    JenniferL Hi, Jennifer. We are currently using Amazon as the backend for the translation feature. However, this is only for the duration of the initial stage of the EA program. Once we progress to the later stages of the program (which will include outbound translation) and then GA, customers will be able to choose and connect their own translator.