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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of July 24, 2023

DianeL's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
2 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features

Preview and download images in Brand Messenger

In Brand Messenger Modern Chat widget conversations, users can now hover their cursors over an image thumbnail and then click the Download icon to preview the full-sized image in a new browser tab and download it.

Use SSO IdP to change an agent’s team assignment

Admins with SSO IdP access can now use their IdP to update an agent’s team assignment. Users can enable this setting from the Care Config menu.

Care Analytics

Total Conversation Handle Time (TCHT) calculation update 

The Review Closed Handle Time (RCHT) metric has been removed from the Total Conversation Handle Time (TCHT) calculation.

The RCHT metric measures the amount of time an agent spends viewing closed conversations. Agents often view closed conversations to gather information they can use to close a current conversation, reference content for training, or for quality assurance purposes. RCHT is still available for tracking purposes as a standalone metric.

This update applies to both new and historical data and impacts the following areas of Care Analytics: 

  • Agent Handle Time widget – Average Conv HT KPI metric
  • Agent Performance widget (Table) – Avg Conv HT and Total Conv HT columns
  • Agent Performance widget (Scatter) – Closes vs Avg Conversation Handle Time chart axis
  • Team Performance Export – Total Handle Time (min) and Average Conversation Handle Time (min) columns
  • Team Performance Interval Export – Total Handle Time (min) and Average Conversation Handle Time (min) columns

For more information on Total Conversation Handle Time (TCHT), see the Agent Activities Metrics Overview.

You found it. We fixed it.


  • Previously, when an agent claimed a conversation from the Available queue and then quickly began to enter a response in the response field for that conversation, the Available queue occasionally did not collapse and overlapped the field. This issue has been resolved.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 2.0
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