Khoros Care Release Notes, week of May 3, 2021
Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.
New Features
Welcome Responses for Instagram Direct Messages
Customers with access to Instagram DMs can now configure welcome responses specifically for that channel. A Welcome Response is a predefined private response that automatically gets sent to a user before an agent responds, provided that the user’s message meets certain conditions.
You can create a welcome response for Instagram DMs the same way you’d create any other welcome response, using either the Custom tab or the Smart View tab.
If you’ve previously created a Smart View for posts that include specific Instagram content, you can use the Smart View tab to select a specific Smart View from the drop-down list.
Your welcome response will be sent for any posts that meet the conditions you configured for that particular Smart View.
If you want to create a new set of conditions for a welcome response, use the Custom tab and select the Instagram icon.
Hover over the Instagram icon to select or deselect specific accounts that can trigger this particular welcome response (by default, all accounts are selected).
Learn more about Welcome Responses.
Marketing Data in Care
For customers who use both Khoros Marketing and Khoros Care, Marketing Calendar initiative, plan, and label information is now applied automatically to applicable conversations in Care in the form of marketing system tags.
Your marketing team first creates content in Khoros Marketing, where posts are tagged with related initiative and plan information as well as any other applicable labels:
After this content is published to social channels, conversations are ingested into Care when an author responds to a post. All initiative, plan, and label information is converted to marketing system tags, which are automatically applied to the conversation:
These tags, like other system tags, can be used for routing and filtering conversations. Agents cannot delete these tags from conversations in Care, but if labels are removed from a post in Marketing, the change is reflected in Care.
Learn more about marketing system tags in Care.
You found it. We fixed it.
- Resolved an issue that occasionally prevented pre-existing internal notes from loading when you opened a conversation.
- Resolved an issue that caused the Publisher and Manage views to be displayed for users who should not have access and vice versa.