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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Care Release Notes, week of October 11, 2021

MarenJ's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

Khoros Care updates do not require any downtime. This release will be deployed with no expected impact to your operations until you configure the new features. If you do not yet see the new features, they will be pushed to your system later in the week.

New Features

Metadata Visibility Support for Twitter

With this release, Khoros Care supports metadata for public tweets. Depending on your needs, you can use Twitter metadata to create tag rules that route conversations to specific work queues, run analytics to get data about posts with those tags, prioritize, and more.

Enabling Twitter as a network

You can configure Metadata Visibility settings to determine which fields and values are visible to agents on incoming posts. 

First, you must add Twitter as a network by doing the following:

  1. Go to Care Settings > Developer > Metadata Visibility.
  2. Under Display Fields in Post, click Add Network.
  3. Select Twitter from the list. 
  4. Click the arrow to the left of the newly populated Twitter section to expand and configure settings.
  5. Use the toggles to enable visibility for any metadata field(s) you want to make visible to agents on posts.

    Note: Administrators can still see metadata for fields that have been hidden or removed if Show Admins All Metadata is toggled on at the top of this page.
  6. Click Save Network.

Viewing Twitter metadata for a post

When a conversation contains a tweet or a Twitter direct message, agents can see the associated metadata for each post by clicking Metadata underneath the post’s content. Clicking Hide Metadata collapses the view.

For more information, see these articles:

Permanent Content Scrubbing for Inbound Filtered Content

Khoros Care already supports the ability to create content filtering rules that redact sensitive or personally identifiable information. Until now, this information was redacted in Agent View, but could still be exposed and viewed by an agent if necessary.

With this release, we’ve added a “Scrub Content” option that enables you to permanently remove selected filtered content from the Khoros system—without the option to recover it later. This new capability allows you to provide greater security around sensitive customer data, while also protecting from potential liability issues around retaining Personally Identifiable Information within Care.

Enabling "Scrub Content" option for a specific content rule

You can enable permanent content removal for each inbound content rule. To do so:

  1. Go to Care Settings > Rules and Routing > Content Filters.
  2. Click + Inbound Rule.
  3. From the list of content options, choose the type of inbound content you’d like to permanently delete: for example, Social Security Number (US).
  4. Toggle to enable the Scrub Content option (this option is disabled by default).
  5. Select a Replacement Type to determine how the replaced content appears to agents. You can choose from the following options:
    • Exact: Type the exact phrase or character(s) you want to appear in place of redacted content. When this option is selected, the Replacement field is also required.
    • First Four Characters: Only the first four characters of the redacted content will appear in posts.
    • Last Four Characters: Only the last four characters of the redacted content will appear in posts.
  6. Complete any other fields for this content rule as desired, then click Save.

Tip: When selecting a Replacement Type, you might find it easier to use the Exact option for redacted content that is less than four characters, such as emojis. Using the Last Four Characters is a common practice for redacted credit cards, phone numbers, and social security numbers.

When content that matches this rule comes into Khoros Care, an agent only sees the replacement text (or first/last four characters) as configured within the content rule:

As noted in the Care interface below the Scrub Content section, content that is replaced is irretrievable and never stored in any system. This prevents our system from storing PII data, but allows an agent to understand the intent of a customer.

See our article on Content Filtering for more information.

Engagement Manager Enhancements

Search Posts using URL

In addition to the IP addresses, author details, community name, and post content, you can now also filter the posts in the Post Columns using the following post URLs: 

  • Community Post URL
  • Instagram Post URL
  • Twitter URL
  • Youtube URL

Note: You cannot perform a search for posts from Facebook, LinkedIn, and sometimes from Twitter, using the URL. This is because the URL gets modified while the posts are being ingested onto Khoros Care.

This helps the Engagement Manager users to find the posts from a specific social handle. For more information on how to perform a search, see Quick filters

You found it. We fixed it.

  • Resolved an issue that prevented agents from sending a Modern Chat form to an external author in a Brand Messenger conversation.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the red agent status timer to occasionally indicate an incorrect amount of time that the agent was in the red status.
  • Previously, with Twitter, when an agent replied to a private message after creating a public tweet that mentioned other users in the same conversation, the Replying To area on the private message in Care indicated that the mentioned users were also part of the private message even though they were not. This has been resolved.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 2.0
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