Blog Post
Hi, I need some clarity on the 1st new feature "Mute All Notifications" mentioned in the release notes above. It is mentioned above that the code in the red colour has to be added in the specific locations of the text and HTML versions of the General Subscription Notification email template. But the place where this code is supposed to be added doesn't exist in the General Subscription Notification email template in my studio for text and HTML version both. Note that the environment I'm trying to do this is running on 19.4 version. For example, I'm putting the whole text version which is coming in the template in my studio. You can see that the code mentioned above for text version (apart from the code in red) does not exist below. Can somebody explain to me why it is like that?
Hi ${notification.recipient.login},
#set ( $eventUser = "")
#set ( $eventUserRanking = "")
#set ( $eventText = "")
#set ( $eventDetails = "")
#set ( $eventDetails = "and has requested a review")
#set ( $eventDetails = "and has requested it to be published")
#if ($notification.newlyVisible || !$notification.message.edited)
#set ( $eventUser = "${}")
#set ( $eventUserRanking = "${}")
#if ($notification.moved)
#if ($notification.merged)
#set ($eventText = "merged a")
#set ($eventText = "moved a")
#set ( $eventText = "posted a new")
#set ( $eventUser = "${notification.message.lastEditUser.login}")
#set ( $eventUserRanking = "${}")
#if ("${notification.message.board.discussionStyle}" == "tkb")
#set ( $eventText = "edited an")
#set ( $eventText = "edited a")
${eventUser} (${eventUserRanking}) ${eventText} ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} in ${notification.message.board.title} on ${notification.formattedDateForMessageEdit} in the ${community.title} ${eventDetails}:
#if (${} == "subject_and_body")
Subject: #if ($notification.message.subject) ${tools.unescapeHtml($notification.message.subject)}#else ${notification.message.subject}
#if (${notification.displayPlainTextSignature})
#if ($mailActions.canReplyByEmail)
You can respond to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
#if ($mailActions.canMarkAsSolution)
You can accept the solution to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
#if ($mailActions.canGiveKudos)
You can give kudos to the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
Subject: #if ($notification.message.subject) ${tools.unescapeHtml($notification.message.subject)}#else ${notification.message.subject}
You can view the body of the ${notification.message.localizedObjectType} at the following URL:
To control which emails we send you, manage your subscriptions and notifications here:
or unsubscribe here: ${emailUrls.getTapestryUrl("/user/RemoveUserEmailPage/user-id/$$trackingKey")}