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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Marketing Release Notes, January 2023

BryanN's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

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New Features and Updates released in January


  • Talkwalker Share of Voice widget
  • Talkwalker Topic Results widget Column Breakdown
  • Post Gallery widget improvements
  • Filter updates


  • Instagram First Comment
  • Blocklist Keywords
  • Recommended Publish Times

Social Channel Updates

  • Linkedin Calendar and Analytics changes

You found it. We fixed it.


Talkwalker Share of Voice widget

The new Topic Share of Voice widget breaks down Talkwalker data by topics selected at a dashboard or widget level. The top five topics with the highest volume are shown with the widget. Remaining topics are grouped together as “Other.”

Talkwalker Topic Results widget Column Breakdown

A "Column Breakdown" selector now appears in the Topic Results widget beneath the Time Interval selector. It includes these options:

  • Total: Shows columns the currently are (combined total)
  • Topic: Shows columns broken down into topics selected in the dashboard or widget filter

Learn more about Dashboard widgets in Definitions: Social Marketing Widgets.

Post Gallery widget improvements

The size of the cards that display posts in the Post Gallery widget have been standardized to clean up the layout and make it easier to display posts on one page without anything being cut off.

Filter updates

The channel filter has been updated to allow all widgets including Talkwalker widgets to be filtered at once. Channel filter selection is now automatically selected in the Talkwalker Media Types Filter. Media Type selections can continue to be manually selected and deselected.

A Topic Filter has been added to the Topic Results Over Time widget’s post click-in. Clicking on a date’s results in the widget opens details about the posts from that day. A Topic Filter dropdown appears in the upper right allowing you to filter for any of the Topics that have been selected in the dashboard or widget filters.

The Post Filters for Content Types has been changed from checkboxes to radio buttons with selections available for All Posts, Non-Promoted, or Promoted.

Learn how to Filter a Dashboard.


Instagram First Comment

Scheduling a first comment can increase reach and boost engagement on Instagram. Putting hashtags in the first comment can help get your content in front of more users without cluttering up your caption.

When using Instagram direct publishing, you can now schedule or publish a first comment at the same time as a post. Click the First Comment tab beneath the text entry window to enter the first comment.

Note the following restrictions apply:

  • Maximum characters for first comment: 2200
  • Maximum users that can be tagged in comment and caption combined: 10
  • Maximum hashtags in comment and caption combined: 30

Learn about Publishing directly to Instagram.

Blocklist Keywords

Blocklist Keywords prevent publishing of posts containing defined keywords, phrases, or URLs. Use cases for this feature include blocking:

  • Non-compliant keywords that are related to legal or regulatory requirements (e.g., in regulated industries you wouldn’t want to publish words that can lead to liabilities such as warranty, guarantee, 100% assurance, etc.)
  • Potentially offensive or objectionable curse words or other profanity
  • URLs in specific formats (e.g., publishing a shortened URL when the company already uses a link shortener, resulting in the link becoming shortened again)

For example, some brands want to prevent the entry of shortened URLs such as "" because if link shortening is enabled within Khoros the Khoros platform would convert this into another shortened URL, affecting link-tracking analytics. To avoid this, you can create a rule blocking any words containing "" - any posts that contain links including that shortened URL will then be blocked.

Each blocklist rule is defined at an Initiative-level. Only Company Administrators (and custom roles that use Company Admin as a template) can create or edit blocklist rules. Go to Social Marketing Settings > Publishing > Blocklist Keywords to manage keywords.

When users attempt to publish a post, if text is detected which violates the Initiative’s blocklist rules, there will be an alert at the top of each affected text entry that the “Post contains keywords that are blocked.” Click Show details to see which rules caused each piece of text to be blocked. The Publish Now button will not be available until the violations are addressed.

Learn how to Create and manage Blocklist Keywords.

Recommended Publish Times

When scheduling a post to publish later, users can now click on Recommended Times to select from a drop-down menu of optimal publishing dates/times based on the past performance of posts similar to the one you are publishing. You can also use the calendar to manually choose a date/time in the future for your message to be automatically published.

Stars next to times when posts have historically given the most engagement will classify them as Above average, High, or Best performing times. Note that engagement data is derived from the same analytics data used in the Best Performing Day, Time, and Content Type widget.

Learn how to Publish a message using Social Marketing.

Social Channel Updates

LinkedIn Calendar and Analytics changes

On Oct. 27, 2022 the Khoros Marketing platform was migrated to a newer version of the LinkedIn API due to LinkedIn’s plans to sunset the older version. However, the newer version was not fully equipped to support the following content types and they weren't being brought into the calendar and analytics:

  • Live Videos
  • Paginated Documents (PDFs)
  • Personal Page Posts
  • Polls

On Dec. 22, 2022 LinkedIn updated the API to bring in all content types except for personal page posts. On Jan. 20, 2023 they released an update to support them as well. All of the content types listed above are now visible in the calendar and analytics. However, as with previous versions of the API, only post text appears for polls and PDFs.

Learn about Available metrics by social channel.

You found it. We fixed it.

  • Fixed a bug affecting Instagram Reels publishing notifications when attempting to upload a video file larger than 100 MB. This issue has been resolved so if the channel’s video requirements are not met an appropriate notification will appear.
  • Fixed a bug in Analytics that had been causing Engagement Rate to return 0.0 in data exports.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 2.0
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