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Release Notes & Updates

Lithium Community 17.10 Release Notes

SuzieH's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
8 years ago

Similar to last year, the 17.10 Release will be the last Community release of the year, to better accommodate our Holiday Production Freezes. We'll be back in early January with 17.12, which will include all feature and bug fixes for November and December.


Now, let's get to the good stuff! Community 17.10 brings several new features and bug fixes.

New Features

Admin Metrics update

We discovered a bug that began in June 2016 and perpetuated until this release, which undercounted usage for certain metrics, specifically Server Requests and Page Views. Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI) metrics, such as Human Page Views and Visits, were not impacted by this bug.


Since we bill you based on Server Requests and Page Views, this means that we might have been undercharging you. Since this was our mistake, we will not bill you for any potential past overages.


This bug is now fixed, and the correct data has been backfilled in the 17.10 release. Moving forward, you might see a change in your usage data from what you have typically seen. The average variance of past usage was 10-40%. If your usage now exceeds the Usage Limits stated in your contract with us, your Lithium Customer Success Manager will be in touch to discuss.


One of our key, company values is to take customer success personally. We apologize for any inconvenience this error might have caused, and we look forward to sharing in your success.


If you have any questions, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Upgraded video player

Videos hosted in the community (using third-party, Ooyala, Inc.) now use the latest Ooyala player (v4). All customers are automatically upgraded to the latest versions. There is nothing that you need to do to take advantage of this new version.


The main difference between v3 and v4 is how the player loads. In v3, the player loads using Flash by default, with HTML 5 as the fallback. With v4, the player loads HTML 5 as the default with Flash as the fallback.

UI text update for Permalink feature

Over time, the term Lithium has used to describe our Permalink function has matured. Before the concept of "permalink" existed, we used the term "highlight", shown here:



This antiquated term has caused some confusion among users, so we've decided to update the term to "Permalink".


If you prefer to retain the older term, "highlight", you can manually change it back by editing the default text keys. Learn how to edit default text keys.


Here is the list of text keys you would need to revert 'Permalink' to 'Highlight'. See Edit a default text key for instructions.

  • menubar.highlight_message = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:blog@message:root = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:blog@message:reply = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:idea@message:root = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:idea@message:reply = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:contest@message:root = Permalink
  • menubar.highlight_message@place:contest@message:reply = Permalink
  • move_message.targetmessage.targetmessage.target_message_id.description = ... choose "Permalink This Message" in the message's "Options" menu ...

Product Catalog XML Bulk Import Tool

We have released a new bulk product catalog XML import tool to integrate your product catalog with Community. This tool is used with our Ratings & Reviews, Product Mentions, and Product Questions features. (Product Questions is currently in closed beta.)


Previously, Community Admin and the Community API enabled you to add, edit, and delete a single product and or product category at a time.


The bulk import tool enables you to create manual and scheduled catalog syncs of your full product catalog. Integrate your product catalog describes the product category and product XML schema definitions (XSDs), how to validate your product catalog file, and the different methods offered to sync your data.


New Lithium Salesforce Connector 3.9 features and configuration tasks

The Lithium Salesforce Connector 3.9 brings you the ability to enable email notifications for case comments, as well as a few bug fixes. As part of the upgrade process, you must also perform a few manual configuration tasks.


To learn how to install or upgrade the Salesforce Connector, check out About the Salesforce and Lithium integration.

Case Comment email notifications

You can configure your Salesforce integration to send email notifications to the case contact when anyone adds a comment to a case. By default, this option is disabled. To enable case comment emails, go to Lithium Connector for Salesforce > Custom Settings > Feature Settings and turn on the Enable Case Comment Emails option.

Additional configuration tasks

Salesforce does not permit you to perform certain tasks while upgrading the from version 3.6 or 3.7 of the connector package to version 3.9. As such, you must manually perform these procedures:

Attach email templates to workflows
To manually attach email templates to workflows:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Go to Setup > Create > Workflow & Approvals > Email Alerts.
  3. Click Edit for the Send mail to Contact (with access) on case creation email alert.
  4. In the Email Template field, specify Notify_customer_on_new_case_creation_with_URL_vfp as the value.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Go to Setup > Create > Workflow & Approvals > Email Alerts.
  7. Click Edit for the Send mail to Contact (with access) on case status change email alert.
  8. In the Email Template field, specify Notify_customer_on_case_status_change_with_URL_vfp as the value.
  9. Click Save.

Update email templates

To edit and update Salesforce email templates:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Go to Setup > Communication Templates > Email Templates.
  3. Click the Notify customer when new case comment is added (without access) email template to open it.
  4. Click Edit HTML Version.
  5. In the HTML Email Content region, find {!Case.LiSFIntegration__Last_Case_Comment__c} and replace this text with #LastCaseComment.
  6. Click Save.

Add remote site settings

If you are installing version 3.9 of the connector package, you must add your remote site settings.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Go to Set up > Remote Site Settings > New Remote Site.
  3. Specify values of the following fields:
    • Remote Site Name: SFSelfInstance
    • Remote Site URL:
      • Specify the value as described in the sample below:

        Where, your_instance is a placeholder for the name of your instance. You can find the name of your instance by looking for the value of the Instance field in Setup > Company Information.

        Note: You must enter this value in lowercase. For example, if the value of the Instance field in your configuration is “NA10”, you must specify “” as the value of the Remote Site URL field. 
  4. Click Save.

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • Avatars no longer resize unexpectedly when a user creates a message with an image in it.
  • Accepted solution notification emails were being sent to the person who accepted the solution instead of the person who posted the solution. This is now fixed.
  • Highlighting (permalinking) a topic message now works as expected when the conversation thread is sorted newest to oldest.
  • The last answer submitted to a Q&A board was not being displayed. All answers now display as expected.
  • Using a number as a search parameter now returns messages with the number in the body or subjects as expected.
  • Federated Search would fail if the environment contained any Knowledge Article whose Deployment Status remained in the “In Development” state. The connector now displays the relevant search results, and this issue has now been fixed.
  • Clicking the New Community Postback Comment button would fail to open the page to create a Postback comment, resulting in an error. This issue would occur if the environment contained any TKB article whose Deployment Status remained in the “In Development” state. This issue has now been fixed.
    We have fixed an issue where using Federated Search would sometimes display the “URL doesn’t exist” error message. All occurrences of this issue have now been fixed.
  • We have fixed an issue where Case email notifications did not work as expected. However, email notifications for any case now include a link to the support portal only if the Community URL field is configured. If the Community URL field is not configured for a specific case, the Support Portal link in the email appears as plain text.
  • We have fixed an issue with Federated Search where links to TKB articles created in Salesforce did not work. In other words, links to TKB articles in the Federated Search results list displayed a “URL No Longer Exists” error when clicked. This issue has now been fixed.
  • We have fixed an issue that caused case status updates sent from Salesforce to Lithium Community to not work as expected, in Salesforce instances that used batch service.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 9.0


  • Hi, We upgraded our community to 17.10 (responsive), but can't see User Avatar on idea post page (main topic) and same (user avatar) is visible on comments. So is it something OOTB? Cheers Vivek
  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    HI vivek. Were you previously on Responsive prior to 17.10, or did you migrate to Responsive starting with 17.10?