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Release Notes & Updates

Now Available: Auto application of labels for posts published via the platform

DivyaV's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

Going forward, Label rules will be applicable to both posts published via the platform and auto-imported posts .

At the time of post creation, if there are any conditions that match a label rule, the applicable labels will be shown as a preview in in the publishing window.

You will be able to view the applicable labels preview in the “Rule generated labels” section in the left-side panel of the publishing window as well as in the basics section on the side panel calendar view.

Please note that the rule generated label-section in the calendar side-panel will be visible only until the post is published. Once the post is published, the labels are applied and are moved into the Labels section. 

Points to Note:

  1. You will still be able to add any labels manually at the time of publishing in the labels section.
  2. The labels shown in rule-generated labels section will be applied to the post only after the post is published.
  3. You will not be able to add/remove any labels in/from the rule-generated labels section.
  4. The label rules that are already created/currently existing will be auto-applied to posts published via the platform.
  5. The rule-generated labels section will not be populated if there are more than 150 rules. However all the applicable labels will be applied once the post is published.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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