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Release Notes & Updates

Now available: Publish multi-images directly to Instagram

DivyaV's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

Users can now publish upto 10 images directly to Instagram from the platform.


Please find below the recommended  image specifications that are required for direct publishing:

Format: JPEG

File size: 8 MB maximum.

Aspect ratio: Must be within a 4:5 to 1.91:1 range

Minimum width: 320 (will be scaled up to the minimum if necessary)

Maximum width: 1440 (will be scaled down to the maximum if necessary)

Height: Varies, depending on width and aspect ratio

Color Space: sRGB. Images using other color spaces will have their color spaces converted to sRGB.


  1. Direct publishing for multi-images  is not allowed for stories.
  2. Incase if the image specifications are not met, users will be redirected to mobile handoff flow
  3. Profile tagging is available only for the first image as of now.


Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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