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Release Notes & Updates

Now Available: Talkwalker Share of Voice Widget and Filter Update

EmmaO's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

What is this?

A new Talkwalker widget and an update to the channel filter to include Talkwalker widgets.

The new Topic Share of Voice widget breaks down Talkwalker data by topics selected at a dashboard or widget level.

The top five topics with the highest volume are shown with the widget. Remaining topics are grouped together as “Other.”

The channel filter has been updated to allow all widgets including Talkwalker widgets to be filtered at one. Channel filter selection are now automatically selected in the Talkwalker Media Types Filter. Media Type selections can continue to be manually selected and deselected.

This sounds great! Where can I find it?

The Topic Share of Voice widget is accessible from the widget menu along with other Talkwalker widgets.

What else do we need to know?

These and other Talkwalker features are only accessible to users in companies with Talkwalker SS0. Talkwalker filters and widgets populate directly from Talkwalker. Marketing users have visibility into all projects and topics configured in Talkwalker regardless if they direct access to the platform.  

Updated 8 months ago
Version 5.0
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