Release Notes & Updates
NOW LIVE: Khoros Marketing App for Apple iOS
5 years agoKhoros Alumni (Retired)
The iOS Khoros Marketing app is now available for all users. To use the app, please download the latest version of the app (version 3.38.0) from the Apple App Store. This version of the app will require the same login flow as the web-based Khoros Marketing platform, with an email-based verification code. In the coming weeks, you will have the ability to utilize SMS, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator for the verification codes instead of email.
Thank you for your patience and partnership.
We are actively working on releasing the Android version of the Marketing app. The Capture and Vault app for iOS and Android will follow shortly as well.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 3.0VivekG
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
Joined November 07, 2018
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