Now Live! Marketing Security Feature: Email Domain Allow-listing
What Did Khoros Marketing Release?
Email Domain Allow-listing is here! This feature increases control for Global Administrators, ensuring any new user created must have an email address that is part of a sanctioned email domain.
This is a new security feature has been added below the existing Global Administrator's Security Configurations in Company Settings:
How Can I Turn This On?
There is no action required. This has been enabled for all customers across all Marketing products. We have pre-populated your email domains*, to ensure there is as little disruption on team as possible.
However, we encourage your Global Administrator(s) to review and ensure familiarity with this feature. To review your settings:
- Click your avatar in the top right corner of the navigation toolbar and select Company Settings.
- Click Company on the top menu bar and then click Security on the left.
To add an additional domain:
- If there is a need to add an additional email domain, select the option to
Add Email Domain.
*Please note: If you have users with email addresses under these email domains:
Any existing user with those domains will be able to continue their use of the product. However, we have not pre-populated those email domains. If you would like to sanction further additional new users for these domains, we ask Global Administrators to take the action to permit these email domains.
*Additional note: Any company owners who change user emails will need to abide by this existing email domain allowlist as well.
Any questions or issues?
Please let us know.