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Release Notes & Updates
2 MIN READ Link Shortening Deprecation

DaveGal's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

We have been investigating issues regarding the link shortening service in our products. We have just been informed by the service brand owner (RhythmOne) that they are no longer supporting the link shortening service or related analytics. 

Customers that use as their link shortening option in Khoros Marketing or Khoros Care will no longer be able to authenticate accounts, any published links will no longer be shortened, and any metrics from published links will no longer update with metrics. Below you will find additional information on the process of selecting and authenticating a new link shortening service.

Khoros Marketing Customers have the option of using the Khoros Bitly service as a default solution or authenticating their own Bitly or Blink/BudURL account. To learn more about how to authenticate your link shortening service, read our help article HERE. If you have additional questions or issues, please contact Support.

Khoros Care Customers have the option to authenticate any of the following services: Bitly, Blink/BudURL, or Firebase. To update your link shortening service, please contact Support. You will need the API key and other information based on the shortening service selected. 

You can find more information on using our Case Portal to contact Support HERE. If you have issues using the Case Portal, email with your issue and one of our Support team members will reach out to you to help resolve any questions or issues.

Optional: We have an excellent partnership with BudURL/Blink link shortener and are happy to connect you with our Blink point of contact if you would like to get more information about their services. 

Updated 9 months ago
Version 3.0
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