Upcoming updates to LinkedIn metrics in the Marketing platform will allow for more consistency with native analytics.
Starting on July 1, 2021, replies to comments, also called secondary comments, will be included for all LinkedIn posts. This mirrors the calculation used natively for LinkedIn comments and related engagement.
This update impacts all Marketing Analytics metrics connected to LinkedIn comments and engagement. Those metrics are as follows:
- LinkedIn Post Comments
- Conversation (cross channel term for comments and replies)
- Engagement
- Engagement Rate
Since this update is not retroactive, there will likely be an increase in these metrics compared to the previous time periods as more comments will now be included.
Also in July, the name of LinkedIn Post Link Click metrics will also change to LinkedIn Post Clicks in order to more accurately reflect the metric received from LinkedIn.
Only the name of the metric will change. It will continue to represent clicks on your company name, content, or logo within a post as it has been. Note this is the only click metric currently provided by LinkedIn.
Learn more about metrics available for LinkedIn and other channels.
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