CarolineS's avatar
4 months ago

Atlas displays too large on mobile at first

When I first load Atlas on my phone, it's too wide. See screenshot below where you can't see my avatar nor the text on the right side of the screen.

Too wide!

I can zoom out via a pinch motion, and then it's fine (screenshot below), but it's pretty annoying to have to do this. 

Fine after a pinch-zoom

I'm on an iPhone 15 with iOS 17.7, using Chrome (but I believe it happens on Safari too)


  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    4 months ago

    Good feedback. Since this seems like a feature that should apply to the core Aurora product, I will pass it on to that team for awareness. Appreciate you!

  • NickH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    4 months ago

    We were using an svg for the Atlas header that did not have width or height properties, resulting in the initial load being off until you zoomed to trigger a responsive refresh. We are uploading a new svg with the right parameters and that should fix the issue. We are also adding validation in the Theme tool to reject SVG logos that don't have proper width and height properties.

    Please let me know if this doesn't fix your initial mobile view.

  • Nice, amazing speedy response NickH! It now looks great on first load if i'm not logged in, but then after logging in it's still too big on first load.

    Specific steps:

    • Access Atlas on mobile when NOT logged in
    • Log in

    !==> Site is slightly too large on first load of logged-in header
    EXPECTED: Should be the correct size all the time!

  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 months ago

    Coming back to this CarolineS - I just tested this on my account and it looks like this issue is resolved. Can you test it on yours and let us know if it's fixed for you? If so, happy to close this out as Delivered.

  • CarolineS's avatar
    2 months ago

    Hi BlakeH - thanks for testing it out! It now looks good when anonymous, but I'm still seeing the site look too big after logging in (see my post on this thread from 11-19-2024).