CarolineS's avatar
2 years ago

Frequent logouts on mobile / trouble logging in

I've been having trouble with Atlas on my iPhone (Safari). It logs me out frequently (probably once a day?). When I try to log in (with the correct credentials; they're saved in 1Password and work fine on my desktop), it says "please correct the highlighted fields" but there aren't any highlighted fields to correct.

Sometimes, eventually, magically, after a couple of page refreshes I am logged in.

Is anyone else having similar trouble?

I suppose my "idea" here is - make the login work as expected on mobile, and don't log me out so frequently?


  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago
    Status changed:

    Hey CarolineS thanks for flagging. I'll sync with AbhishekGu and see if we can find a solve. I'll circle back by next week on Tuesday.

  • BlakeH just pinging you about this; did you and Abhishek come up with anything to help with mobile login issues?


  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    CarolineS Sorry for the delay, as I was on vacation! This should be fixed by now however as the cache should have cleared.

    Please let us know if you keep encountering it. We might not be able to fix it now, but it's something we can revisit after our Aurora upgrade.

  • Hi!

    I am indeed still encountering it on mobile. Here's a screenshot to explain the behavior more fully.

    It's pretty frustrating to not be able to log in on mobile only via manually typing in my password. I wonder if the password textbox on mobile is too short for all the characters or something.

    TBH this will continue to reduce my engagement on Atlas, as I mainly check it on my phone.  Oh well?

     Note "Correct highlighted errors" message, but there aren't highlighted errors. And the password is the same as on desktop, where it works

  • Hello CarolineS,

    Apologies for the inconvenience. There is no change in the functionality, we just have changed the flow from username/password to email/password. Even no limit change in password.

    Request you to pls clear your mobile browser cache and try entering the password manually (don't use auto fill). 

    Still, if you see issue exist for you, we can jump on a quick call and sort it.

    Abhishek Gupta

  • Thanks AbhishekGu! I was finally able to log in on mobile by typing in my password manually (a couple of days ago I tried entering my password manually several times and also even changed my password to be shorter / not have unusual special characters, just in case - and it repeatedly didn't work!). 

    Hopefully it won't log me out too soon; when I first had this problem it was logging me out at least once a day. 

    So, for now, I'm set, hopefully this problem won't come back.
