Claudius's avatar
11 years ago

"Latest post" link from board page

Not sure if I missed this already part of the redesign earlier or just a recent change: Where can I find a link on the forum board page to be taken directly to the latest reply in a topic?

I can only click on the name of the latest reply's author and that's it. Previously i think the timestamp - e.g. "4 hours ago" or the "Latest post by" text would link to the message:


It just saves a few seconds of scrolling each time. Am I the only one?


  • JulieH's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi Claudius great suggestion, thank you! It was indeed a miss when we moved from the out of the box to the customized layout. I've added this to our queue of future improvements - I'll keep you updated on progress!





  • I was struggling a bit with getting links to the last reply directly from home and category pages. I used the following query in the macro of the message tile.

    SELECT view_href, author.login, author.view_href, id from messages where = '${}' AND id > '${}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1

    This gives the direct url, and the username and profile url of the latest reply (including nested replies). And it resolves to 0 if a topic does not have replies.

    How dit you solve this Claudius? I really like the way Dataiku presents this info.