jeffshurtliff's avatar
5 years ago

Segregate notifications and RSS feeds for by product

When subscribing to updates or subscribing to the RSS feed for Khoros outages at, it is an all-or-nothing subscription.  This means that we receive  outage notifications even for the Khoros products that we do not own, which just feel like spam.

In my team's situation, we only care about outages for Khoros JX and Khoros Community, but we receive emails and text messages for Khoros Care and Khoros Marketing outages as well, which don't apply to us.  The same is true  for our RSS integration in Slack.  (shown below)

It would be very helpful if the outage reports were segregated by product so that we could only subscribe to the products we care about.


  • AndrisG's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    Hi jeffshurtliff 

    Thanks for reporting this, the information has been forwarded to our developers to take a look.

  • PhilippeM's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    jeffshurtliff , apologies for the delay in responding! 

    Two different answers/points for you related to

    Email / SMS

    We do our best to standardize on information that can be provided effectively. The challenge is that when there are changes, it appears that people are automatically subscribed to a new component rather than undercommunicating.  What this means is that long time subscribers, such as yourself, may receive information that is no longer relevant. 

    The way to "fix" this is to revisit the page and 'resubscribe' under your email/phone number.  This will give you a page that you can chose the components you're interested in and unsubscribe to those that you're not. 



    Regretfully, I'm not aware of how to do this leveraging the platform that we use ( for status page notifications.   I'll try to find a helpfile on it, but reviewing their KB as well as looking at the way that their RSS feed structure is setup, it's simply lumped together without any way to parse out the various components. 

    Hopefully that helps. If not, let me know and I'll try to answer more. 

  • MattYap's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago
    Status changed: