JillianB's avatar
11 years ago

Studio for Dummies (or for those who just have too much going on at once)

As I sat in the developer track classes at LiNC I noticed a familiar expression of the faces of several others who sat around me: excitement and intrigue mixed with a strong look on confusion. Shiny new features... but how do I make it happen!? As one of those wearing that face, I think I know why. Some of us Lithium customers wear A LOT of hats. We're the community manager, moderator, graphic designer, trainer, developer, and many other things. We would love to be able to focus on just one of those things and be a total expert - but that wouldn't be possible. It leaves us an expert in some things, an intermediate in most, and a total newbie in some critical elements.


I think many of us can agree that Studio and all things coding tends to be the most difficult. As evident from the developer track and conversations with several Lithium developers, proficiency in Studio and necessary programming languages is a career all in it's own. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only Lithium customer who often finds themselves sifting through dozens and dozens of Developer Community posts trying to make sense of where this code goes, why, and exactly what am I reading. I'm probably also not the only one who has broken their community so badly in stage they held their breath until a rollback actual loaded correctly. I know we can post in the developer community, but I think we're reluctant to clutter that workspace with how-to questions.


So, I'd like to suggest an intermediate developer community of sorts. I'd love to see more articles aimed at folks who know how to make changes in Studio, but aren't sure how to work with intricate code; articles on how to make some easy refreshes to the appearance of your community (changing color, logos, headers); and intros to how to write Rest API for components. Can we make it happen?