CarolineS's avatar
2 months ago

Unable to post due to invalid HTML, despite only using WYSIWYG editor

I used the WYSIWYG editor to add a link, then used the "globe" icon to show the raw link (instead of the auto-suggested title of the linked page). I also added an image.

Using the "Show URL" feature in the link editor

I was then unable to publish my content due to invalid HTML. See screenshot.

Ugh! I had to go into the raw HTML and edit it. This should NOT be necessary!

FWIW - I love the "Show URL" feature - but it needs to work!  


  • I've run into similar issues with the system adding weird HTML code that prevents folks from posting when using options in the toolbar. I spent a lot of time with support going around in circles, and the issue still hasn't been resolved. Hopefully, they figure it out!

  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 months ago
    Status changed:

    Thanks both of you for the helpful feedback! And CarolineS especially for your expert bug hunting, as usual. This appears to be a core product bug versus Atlas-specific, so I'll mark it as Declined here and pass the feedback on to the product folks. Appreciate it!