I just had this problem when trying to submit a reply - the "invalid HTML" error. Where it tells you that you had invalid HTML and the invalid HTML has been removed... over and over! It seems the invalid HTML wasn't actually removed.
I can't imagine what was invalid HTML was in this code - MAYBE the use of the class for lia-align-center? (WHICH I DID USING THE EDITOR).
<p>I'll start!</p>
<p>I really like our All-Star (MVP) trophies - they are "perpetual" in that members get a small block on top for each year they are a member. These are made of stone so they feel nice & substantial. And the blocks look vaguely like our products (networking gear).</p>
<p><li-image width="251" height="272" alt="CarolineS_0-1605305555990.jpeg" align="center" id="172052i45E4AF46579447FD" size="medium" resized="true" sourceType="new"></li-image></p>
<p>Other popular items:</p>
<p><li-image width="300" height="400" alt="image.png" align="center" id="172056iA4CA495195466D7D" size="medium" sourceType="new"></li-image></p>
<p class="lia-align-center"><em>Snuggy</em> </p>
<p class="lia-align-center"><li-image width="400" height="141" alt="image.png" align="center" id="172057iC39DE4864017C925" size="medium" sourceType="new"></li-image><em>Lego Logo</em></p>
<p> <span style="font-family: inherit; background-color: #ffffff;"> </span></p>
<p><li-image width="111" height="243" alt="image.png" align="center" id="172055i3E272F555C09C0D9" size="medium" sourceType="new"></li-image></p>
<p class="lia-align-center"><em>Custom community socks (from customsockclub.com - super easy to make!) </em></p>
<p> </p>
Anyway. This was super frustrating and makes me not want to bother posting nice posts w/ images and a bit of formatting and such.