JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

Lithys 2016: TELUS - Support Savings MVP

Company:  TELUS

Entry submitted by:Scotty Jackson (Sr. Strategy Manager)

Community: TELUS Neighbourhood

Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP


TELUS is Canada’s fastest-growing national telecommunications company, with $12.5 billion of annual revenue and 12.5 million customer connections, including 8.5 million wireless subscribers, 1.5 million residential network access lines, 1.6 million high-speed Internet subscribers and 1.0 million TELUS TV customers. TELUS provides a wide range of communications products and services, including wireless, data, Internet protocol (IP), voice, television, entertainment and video, and is Canada's largest healthcare IT provider.


Reimagining our Social Strategy for Customer Care


In 2015, we reimagined our social strategy, developing a new operations team focused on not just customer service and engagement, but on content development and deep communication skills. We paired this team investment with LSW, which we use to listen and engage across Twitter and Facebook, and redesigned how we workgroup and flow potential cases. Most significantly, we also onboarded more teams internally to LSW, including Marketing Communications and PR, enabling better collaboration and swifter auctioning of support opportunities. With the launch of the Tribal Knowledge Base inside our community, the TELUS Neighbourhood, and LSW campaign and publishing capability, we have developed and implemented a virtuous cycle of customer listening, engagement, and needs fulfillment (see supporting visual).



Organizational Efficiency Through LSW


Through focused use of LSW and the redefinition of our operational team’s skillsets, we have consolidated a number of job functions within operations from our Marketing Communications team, and have further enabled the collaboration between operations, Marketing Communications, and PR teams. We have enabled efficiencies, reduced hand-offs, and optimized the customer experience by getting support opportunities identified and handled faster, also recognizing that experience and brand conversations often become support opportunities.


Leveraging both operations team expertise and the fact that more teams and functions were onboarded to LSW, we were able to further rethink team functions for efficiency, and maximize the value of our new operations team by consolidating some of the functions previously executed on by other teams.


Our Q1 2016 Support Savings Results


A summary of the benefits realized in Q1 2016:


  • $3.6M in annual operational savings
  • Offsetting of over 66,000 live contacts (call, email, web chat, or store visit)
  • > 11,000 Twitter and Facebook conversations and over 30,000 responses sent
  • 80% of Twitter conversations responded to un 35 minutes or less
  • > 1,600 community posts, 90%+ community-created
  • > 330,000 unique community visits
  • 98% customer satisfaction
  • 90% likelihood to recommend TELUS (NPS)
  • 89% likelihood to share experience