Knowledge Base Article

Getting the Most Out of Atlas

Feeling stuck with getting around Atlas, or just wanting to get the most value out of the platform as you can? Either way, no worries - we’ve got you covered! 

As you’ll see, the community can be a great resource if you just keep a few pointers in mind.


Navigating the community 

The top nav bar is your primary way of getting around Atlas from the top of the community. You can also navigate to related spaces and content within any sub-area using the right side bar that appears in that area.

All areas that contain content are under categories - for example, “Learn” is a category that appears in the top nav bar. Areas under these categories can be forums, blogs, or other content types - for example, “About Atlas” is a knowledge base. (You'll learn more about these content types a bit further down.)


Using search effectively 

If you’re looking for specific content within the community, you can click the magnifying glass at any time to search within the area you’re currently exploring on the community, or navigate to the top level of the community to search all community content. 

As you type terms in the search bar, you have ways to control how you see content. For example, if you only want to see posts that contain an exact phase, use quotation marks around that phrase.

You’ll also see Suggested Posts appear below the search bar, which you can click to visit them. If you instead hit Enter on your keyboard, you’ll see the full list of search results, which you can narrow down using the filters at the left side of the page. 


Understanding content types 

Khoros communities have different content types, most of which you’ll find in the Atlas community. Here are some common ones you'll see:

  • Forums are where you can converse with your peers about the topic of the board
  • Blogs are where you can read the latest industry news and insights from Khoros and others
  • Idea exchanges are where you can share ideas with Khoros for things you'd like to see improved, like features and content on Atlas
  • Knowledge bases are where you can turn robust conversations into polished knowledge assets
  • Events are where you can join a collection of community-hosted activities like webinars


Creating your first post

Got a question for the community? Khoros customers and business partners can create posts by logging into their Atlas account at the top right of the Atlas homepage and navigating to a discussion board.

Once you’re there, click the “Create New Post” button and the message editor will appear. Add a subject and body text, plus any relevant images, videos, or attachments if necessary. 

Don’t forget to add any relevant tags to help other users find your question later. Once you’re done, just click “Post” - it’s that simple! You'll automatically be notified of any new comments that users reply with, based on your notification preferences.


Engaging with community members 

Besides posting, you can also learn from and engage with other users’ posts, including liking the post, marking one of the replies as an accepted solution, and mentioning users. 

  • If you see a post or reply you found valuable, show your thanks by clicking the thumbs up button at the bottom right of the comment to “Like” the post
  • If someone shared a reply that best answered the question, you can mark it as as an Accepted Solution by clicking the “Mark as Solution” button on the bottom left of any post
  • If you see a question in the community a specific member could chime in on, you can mention that person in your reply or post by typing the @ symbol followed by their username, which notifies the user via email that they were mentioned and includes a link to the post


Exploring your profile 

Your profile is where you can view your achievements and contributions to the community. To explore it, head to the community homepage at and sign in, then click your avatar at the top right and choose “Profile” from the dropdown.

In the profile header, you can see the date you joined and badges earned. You can view all badges earned by clicking “View All Badges” at the right side in your profile header. 

Below the header, you can see your recent community activity, including topics you’ve participated in, including your posts that are most recent, most liked by others, or that earned an Accepted Solution.


Updating your profile

To update your profile, sign into Atlas at and click your avatar at the top right, then “My Settings.” From here, you can edit your community avatar by clicking the pencil icon on your photo under the Personal tab, then selecting one of the default avatars. If you prefer, you can upload your own photo by clicking the pencil icon on the photo and choosing “Upload Image.”

You can also update your bio here under the Personal tab, and set your personal pronouns. If you have a personal website you’d like to add for others to see in your bio, you can enter that here too.

Finally, to change what notifications you see and when, choose the Follows & Notifications tab. From here, you can choose to unfollow conversations you’re no longer interested in, and choose the type and frequency of notifications you receive via email.


Following content 

The community is filled with lots of interesting and valuable information. To ensure you stay up-to-date with your favorite content, we’ll show you how to follow and unfollow content. 

To follow topics, click the bell icon at the upper right of any post. This will allow you to see new comments from users on the content, including to any replies you’ve added to the discussion. The same also applies to categories and any of the content types on the community. 

Finally, to follow posts with a specific tag, simply click on the tag in any area of the community to see all content tagged with that term. Clicking the bell icon at the top right will keep you notified of any posts where a user has used that particular tag.

For starters, we recommend following the Khoros Insights blog and our upcoming events. You should also consider following discussions for any Khoros solution you currently use, such as Communities Classic, Communities Aurora, Marketing, or Care.

By subscribing to boards and tags, you’ll receive emails whenever new content is posted based on your notification frequency preferences.

Updated 14 hours ago
Version 2.0
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