Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Assign roles to members in bulk via CSV file import

To assign or remove a large number of roles for members at one time, you can use bulk import via a CSV file. Your CSV file needs to include the following for each member:

  • “ADD” or “REMOVE” indicator
  • Username or email address
  • The roles you want added or removed

To bulk assign or remove roles:

  1. Go to the Settings > Roles and Permissions page.
  2. In the Community Roles area, click Assign Roles in Bulk.
  3. On the Assign Roles in Bulk window, browse for the CSV file on your local machine.
  4. In the Charset drop-down menu, select the character encoding of the CSV file you’re importing. The default for Microsoft Windows operating systems is windows-1252 for most locales saved through Microsoft Excel.
  5. Click Start Assignment.


Larger sets of member assignments may take longer to be imported. When the import is complete, you receive an email indicating whether it was a success or if there were any errors that need to be corrected.

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Updated 23 days ago
Version 8.0
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