Aurora Analytics Metric Definitions
This article provides definitions for all the metrics available in Aurora Analytics. Aurora Analytics approximates user behavior and therefore these metrics exclude almost all nonhuman requests (Web crawlers, robots, RSS feeds, REST API calls). About how Community visit metrics are calculated When viewing visits metrics, you might see small variants in the reported numbers. This is expected when you compare visits metric for a period within a month versus a sum of months in that period. The main reasons for these differences include: Overlapping visits across months "Visits" are defined as the number of unique user sessions. A session is defined as a group of interactions one user takes within a given time frame. Sessions time out in the case of 30-minute inactivity. Assume someone browsed through a community during the last hour of a month (Month-1) and continued browsing through the first hour of next month (Month-2). In this scenario: When we measure visits for Month 1, this session is counted as 1 visit. When we measure visits for Month 2, this session is counted as 1 visit. So, when you sum up visits for Month 1 and Month 2, you see 2 total visits, whereas, if you measure visits over the 2-month period, this session is counted as a single visit. Algorithm approximation "Visits" and "visitors" metrics are an approximation algorithm in their calculations. As such, there might be a 1-2% variance in the calculations. Elastic search documentation mentions that sometimes the variance could be up to 6%. Aurora Analytics metrics and definitions Widget/Metrics Definition Page Views A page view is counted each time a browser requests a page regardless of the device type or whether the page is cached. Page Views approximate user behavior and therefore exclude non-human requests (web crawlers, bots, RSS feeds, REST API calls). Page Views (Trend graph) Page Views trend graph is a line graph that shows how the Page Views are trending for the selected time frame. Visits A visit is one or more page views over time by a uniquely identified visitor. A cookie set in the browser identifies visitors (anonymous or registered), so if a visitor has cookies turned off, each page view counts as a new visit. The visit counter increments as soon as the visitor views any community page; the visit ends after 30 minutes of inactivity. After the 30-minute timeout, the next page view counts as a new visit. The Mobile Visits metric is a subset of the Visits metric and includes requests from mobile web browsers only. Unique Visitors The number of unique visitors over the specified time interval. When a visitor (registered or anonymous) views a page, the application looks for a visitor cookie. If no cookie is found, a new cookie is created, and the visitor counts as a new unique visitor. If a visitor cookie is found, the Unique Visitor counter is not incremented. If cookies are cleared after a visit, the next visit sets a new cookie and counts a new unique visitor. Since cookies are browser dependent, so are unique visitors. Users who access the community from different browsers count as a unique visitor. The Mobile Unique Visitors metric is a subset of the Unique Visitors metric and includes visitors who used mobile web browsers only over the specified time interval. Page Views/Visit The average number of Page Views per Visit for the time frame selected. Visits vs. Unique Visitors The trend of the number of visits to the community site against the number of unique visitors for the selected time frame. Visits by User Type The number of visits made by anonymous users and signed-in users. Anonymous users also refer to community members who have not logged in. Learn more about Visits by User Type. Visit Referrals The number of community visits that originated from specific URL domains. This metric helps you understand how much traffic is coming in from different search engines, social networks, or links on your company website. Completed Registrations The number of member registrations completed during the selected time period (excludes partial/abandoned registrations). A registration is considered complete when the visitor finishes the sign-up flow and is given a unique user ID. If the visitor leaves the sign-up flow before being granted their unique user ID, the registration is considered to be abandoned, and the completed registration counter is not incremented. If the community uses Single Sign On (SSO), Khoros increments the completed registration count the first time it receives an authentication token that contains a unique User ID. Partial Registrations The number of user registrations abandoned during the selected time period. Completed and Partial Registrations The line graph shows how the completed and partial registrations are trending over the selected time frame. DAU/MAU DAU (Daily Active Users) is the number of unique members who engage (at least one page view) with the community in a one-day window. MAU (Monthly Active Users) is the number of unique members who engage (at least one page view) with the community over a month or 30-day window. The ratio of DAU to MAU is the proportion of monthly active members who engage with the community in a single day window. Member Time on Site The Member Time metric indicates the total number of minutes from first page request to last page request for each visit of all registered members in your community during the date range of the report. Member time does not capture the time of actions, such as likes, unless the member requests a new page after the action. Nor does it include the last 30 minutes after the last page request before the session times out. Member time is calculated from the time of the first page request, such that a session that started at 11:50pm on day 1 and ending at 12:15am on day 2 is counted as member time for day 1. New vs. Returning Members New members are members who have never visited the community and are visiting for the first time. Returning members are members who have visited the community before. This line graph shows the trend of new and returning members over the selected time frame. Note that this widget will show data for the last 30 days only, irrespective of the selected date range. Depending on the time range you choose in the dashboard settings, you may get partial data or no data. New vs. Returning Anonymous Users When a user views the community without signing in, the community looks for cookies saved on their device. If there is no cookie present, then the user is treated as a New Anonymous User. If cookies are present, then the user is treated as a Returning Anonymous User. Since members can also view the community without signing in, they are also considered Anonymous. Note that this widget will show data for the last 30 days only, irrespective of the selected date range. Depending on the time range you choose in the dashboard settings, you may get partial data or no data. Forum This widget shows the engagement on the selected Place for the date range selected. Shows the number and trend line of the number of discussions created, number of likes received, number of replies for the time frame and selected Place. Click View Details for further insights. Blog This widget shows the engagement on the selected Blog for the date range selected. Shows the number and trend line of the number of posts created, number of likes received, and the number of comments for the time frame and selected Place. Click View Details for further insights. Knowledge Base This widget shows the engagement on the selected Knowledge Base for the date range selected. Shows the number and trend line of the number of articles created, number of likes received, and the number of comments for the time frame and selected Place. Click View Details for further insights. Places - Follows The total number of followers for the selected Place. Topics - Follows The total number of followers for the selected Content. Observing vs. Participating vs. Contributing This widget shows the engagement between members who are observing, participating and contributing in the community for the place and time frame selected. Observing members are those who have signed into the community and their engagement is limited only to viewing the contents. Participating members are those who reply or like posts in the community. Contributing members are those who create content or provide solutions in the community. Private Messages This widget shows the number of private messages sent, its trend line and the messages per conversation in the community for the time frame selected. Messages sent The number of private messages sent from the inbox by all the community members during the selected time frame. Messages sent (trend graph) The trend line graph showing the number of private messages sent from the inbox by all the community members during the selected time period. Discussions The number of Discussions in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Likes The number of likes received for the Discussions and replies in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Replies The number of replies received for the Discussions in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Engagement Shows the trend line for number of Discussions, likes, and replies in the Place during the selected time period in Forums Details. Shows the trend line for number of Blog posts, likes, and comments in the Place during the selected time period in Blogs Details. Shows the trend line for number of articles, likes, and replies in the Place during the selected time period in Knowledge Base Details. Shows the trend line for number of ideas, votes, and comments in the Place during the selected time period in Ideas Board Details. Time to First Reply The time taken (average) for Discussions in the selected Place to receive its first reply after it has been initially submitted. It is typically measured from the moment the Discussion is published to the moment someone replies to it. First Replies The total number of first comments on all the Discussions in the selected Place during the selected time frame. If for the selected time frame there are 10 Discussions in the selected Place, and only 4 have received a reply, then the total number of first replies is 4. If for the selected time frame there are 10 Discussions in the selected Place and only 1 Discussion has replies, even if that one Discussion has 5 total replies, the First Replies is 1. Marked As Solved The number of Discussion replies that are marked as an accepted solution for the selected Place and for the selected time frame. There is only 1 solution per Discussion. Marked As Solved Trend Shows the trend line for the number of replies that are marked as an accepted solution for the forums in the selected Place and for the selected time frame. Solutions Authored The number of solutions the member provided for a discussion Time to Solution The average time taken for the replies in Discussions for the selected Place to be marked as an accepted solution. It is measured from the moment the Discussion is posted until one of its replies is marked as an accepted solution. Solution Views A count of page views of Discussions with an accepted solution after the Discussion has had a reply marked as an accepted solution. Forum - Follows The total number of followers for the selected Forum during the time frame selected. Discussions - Follows The total number of followers for the Discussions in the selected Place during the time frame selected. New and Trending Discussions The total number of new Discussions and trending Discussions in the Forum selected during the selected time frame. The metric values for Trending Discussions depends on the minimum number of views set in the Engagement dashboard settings. Posts The number of blog posts in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Comments (for Blogs and Ideas) The number of comments the blog posts or Ideas in the selected Place received during the selected time frame. Articles The number of Knowledge Base articles in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Blog - Follows The total number of followers for the Blog in the selected Place during the time frame selected. Posts - Follows The total number of followers for the Blog posts in the selected Place during the time frame selected. Knowledge Base - Follows The total number of followers for the Knowledge Bases in the selected Place during the time frame selected. Article - Follows The total number of followers for the Knowledge Bases articles in the selected Place during the time frame selected. TTFR Time to First Reply TTFS Time to First Solution Helpful Votes The number of votes the Knowledge Base board or article received stating that they were helpful. Unhelpful Votes The number of votes the Knowledge Base board or article received stating that they were unhelpful. Members Joined The number of members who joined the Group. Members Left The number of members who left the Group. Invitations Sent The number of invitations sent to members to join the Group. Invitations Accepted The number of invitations that were accepted by members to join the Group. Ideas Snapshot (widget) This widget contains the metrics related to Ideas Board. The metrics are number of ideas, number of comments received, number of votes received during the selected time period for the Place selected. Ideas (Groups, Events and Members reports) Total number of ideas created during the selected time period for the selected Place. Votes Total number of votes received during the selected time period for the selected Place. Idea Votes (Members report) Total number of votes given by members during the selected time period for the selected Place. Idea Votes Given (Members report) Total number of votes given by members during the selected time period for the selected Place. Idea Votes Received (Members report) Total number of votes given to the member's ideas during the selected time period for the selected Place. Closed Total number of ideas closed during the selected time period for the selected Place. Completed Total number of ideas completed during the selected time period for the selected Place. Events (Groups, Events, and Members reports) The number of events in the selected Place during the selected time frame. RSVP-Attending (Groups, Events and Members reports) The number of members who RSVP'd 'yes' to the events in the selected Place during the selected time frame. RSVP-Interested (Groups, Events, and Members reports) The number of members who RSVP'd 'Interested' to the events in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Attended The number of members who attended the events in the selected Place during the selected time frame. Events Attendance (Members report) The number of members who attended the events in Groups for selected Place during the selected time frame. Events Attended (Members report) The number of events the member attended during the selected time frame. Events by type (widget) This widget shows engagement on events based on the event type (In-person, Online, and Hybrid). Lead-up to the Event (widget) This widget shows metrics on all the activities that occurred on the event before it started. Note: In Classic Analytics, a summation of all posts in the community (root topics and replies across discussion styles) is presented as the Posts metric in the Categories report. However, in Aurora Analytics, the root topics and replies across content types (Forums, KB, Blog, Ideas, and Events) are presented as specific/independent metrics, instead of adding them together and presenting as the Posts metric. Related topics: About Aurora Analytics Dashboard Settings Aurora Analytics Reports790Views3likes4CommentsAurora: Manage Follow and Notification preferences for your account
You can manage your follow and notification preferences for the community. Open the Account menu, and then click My Settings. Click Follows & Notifications. The page is divided into different areas for managing your follows and notifications: Follows You can filter the items you follow by clicking the drop-down menu (by default, All is selected) and choosing from among All, Content, Boards, Categories, Groups, or Tags. Once you’ve chosen your filter, you can hover your cursor over the followed item you want to manage, click the options menu, and Unfollow. Email Notifications To adjust your email notification preferences, Get Email Notifications must be turned on in your settings. When this is enabled, additional settings (Receive email notifications when…) appear that enable you to indicate the desired cadence for receiving email notifications. For all settings (except Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow), you can select Never, Immediately, Daily Digest, or Weekly Digest from the drop-down menu. For the Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow setting, you can choose from Never, For all edits (includes minor edits), or For all but minor edits. If you select any option but Never, email notifications for this setting are sent immediately. For settings on which you’ve selected Daily Digest or Weekly Digest, applicable notifications are bundled and sent together in one daily or weekly email, respectively. All settings indicate the feature area of the community to which they apply, such as All boards or KB articles and blog posts. Settings related to content apply to all content that you follow in the area indicated. Advanced Settings The following settings, which apply to both in-app (bell icon) and email notifications, enable you to personalize when you receive certain notifications. Select an option from the drop-down menu for each setting. When I’m following a Forum Discussion, notify me about New topics and replies New topics only Send me notifications on posts I have already read Never Always Related topics: About the member Profile page Manage community preferences for your account Manage security settings for your account415Views2likes0CommentsAurora: Add co-authors to blog posts
Recognizing co-authors along with the main author is a way to acknowledge everyone who contributes to a piece of content and enhance the overall quality and credibility of the content. It also encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of community among contributors and readers. If you have the BlogAuthor or Admin role, you can add members as co-authors for published blog posts or to drafts. All co-authors automatically receive editing permissions for the blog post they are added to. After you publish the blog post, the author and the list of co-authors is displayed. You can also view these actions in the history view of the blog post Related topic: Remove co-authors from blog posts120Views0likes3CommentsAurora: Manage Mentions permissions (admin)
As an admin, you can manage the permissions to allow members to @mention posts, members and places. The permission is enabled by default to all community members. To manage the ability for community members to use Mentions: Go to the Roles and Permissions page for the community. Beside Community Permissions Defaults, select Edit. In the left column, select Mentions. In the Mentions section, select Deny or Grant as required for Mention content, Mention places and Mention members. Unless you have specified different permissions for certain roles or levels below the community level (a category, group, or board), this selection affects all members of the community. Related topics: About Roles and Permissions Create a role Add members to roles Permission descriptions143Views0likes2CommentsAbout Aurora Mentions
Mentions enable members to call out other community members and community content within a post. Aurora supports three kinds of mentions: Member Mentions Content Mentions Places Mentions Note: Product Mentions will be available in a future release. With Member Mentions, community members can call out other members in their posts and invite them to join the conversation. You might mention a community member when you know they can answer a question or provide valuable insight into a thread. Or, you might just want to make sure they see it when you want to say thank you or give public praise. Content Mentions enable community members to call out specific posts within the body of a post. Additionally, you can use Content Mentions to mention other places in the community, such as a specific category or board. It’s a way to quickly embed a link to other content in the community. Places Mentions allow community members to highlight specific locations, such as categories or boards, making it easy to reference and link to other content within the community. Mentions are supported in all content types and in replies/comments. When you enter the @ symbol while creating a post, suggestions are displayed in this order: Members: Participants from the conversation thread based on relevancy Content: Content you created, by recency Places: Places you follow Mention notifications When members are mentioned in posts, they are sent emails to let them know. The email uses the Member Mention notification email template. (If members are mentioned multiple times in a post, they are sent only one email.) Additionally, members mentioned in private forums that they cannot access will not receive notification emails. When a member’s content is mentioned in posts, the member is also sent an email to let them know. The email uses the New Content Mention notification email template. Mentions you receive are also shown in your community notifications (bell icon). Related topics: Manage Member Mentions permissions (admin) About Email Notifications272Views0likes9CommentsAurora: Assign roles to members in bulk via CSV file import
To assign or remove a large number of roles for members at one time, you can use bulk import via a CSV file. Your CSV file needs to include the following for each member: “ADD” or “REMOVE” indicator Username or email address The roles you want added or removed To bulk assign or remove roles: Go to the Settings > Roles and Permissions page. In the Community Roles area, click Assign Roles in Bulk. On the Assign Roles in Bulk window, browse for the CSV file on your local machine. In the Charset drop-down menu, select the character encoding of the CSV file you’re importing. The default for Microsoft Windows operating systems is windows-1252 for most locales saved through Microsoft Excel. Click Start Assignment. Larger sets of member assignments may take longer to be imported. When the import is complete, you receive an email indicating whether it was a success or if there were any errors that need to be corrected. Related topics: Create a role Add members to roles153Views0likes0CommentsAurora Analytics Reports
The article provides an overview on how to access reports configure reports download reports schedule reports Accessing the Reports page To view the list of available reports: Go to your Account menu and click Analytics. Click Reports. The Reports page opens. Next to each report name, you can see a brief description of the contents for each report. Click a report name to view a report. Here’s a Forum report: Modify settings for a report You can customize report settings to display the exact data you're looking for. Specifically, you can scope reports to a specific place and time period. To scope a report to a specific place: Open a report. Open the Options menu and click Report Settings. Select a specific place (board or category): Click Save. The Forum report shows the Place selected (in this example, the Products category) and displays the metrics for the Forums under the selected place during the selected date range. To scope a report to a specific date range: To view data for specific date ranges, you can select the date range using the dashboard date-range menu. Select one of the following from the menu. By default, the date range is set to Last 30 days for all reports. Here’s an example of a Forums report for the Last 7 days under the Product category: Learn more about date range settings Download reports You can download and analyze data by exporting them to a CSV file. Members with Admin and Analytics roles can schedule reports and have them emailed to them. Notes: Aurora Analytics report exports include up to 2000 rows. In cases where there are more than 2000 rows in a report, only 2000 rows will be exported and the rest will be truncated. Scheduled reports allow for the download of up to 50,000 records. Schedule reports You can schedule reports to be generated and emailed directly to your registered email ID. You can also view the reports that are scheduled to be generated. Understanding Aurora reports To understand the structure of these reports, let's explore a Forums report. All reports share this general structure. In this example, we’ve chosen the “Products” board and have selected to view the metrics for the Last 30 days. The Summary section at the top for the report provides a quick glance at key traffic and engagement metrics. Depending on the report you view, the metrics shown in the Summary section will vary. Learn more about what each of these metrics means. Below the Summary section, the report is displayed in a table. You can view a maximum of 50 records. If there are more than 50 entries, you can export and download the report as a CSV file. In this example, summary metrics are broken down to show the metrics by board. By default, the report is sorted by the number of Page Views. To reverse the sort order (ascending or descending) of a column, click the metric in the heading. To sort the report by a different metric, click the name of that metric. For example, to sort this table by Likes received, click Likes in the header row. Related topics: About Aurora Analytics Dashboard Settings Schedule reports Aurora Analytics Metric Definitions476Views2likes3CommentsAurora: Member metrics for ranking formulas
You can include any per-member metrics in your ranking formulas. However, you cannot use per-post metrics or metrics that relate to general areas of the community, like groups. You can include any of the following member metrics as variables in your ranking formulas. Note: This is not a complete list but rather a list of the more common member metrics that you may consider using in your formulas. Accepted solutions accepted_solutions The member’s total number of accepted solutions. This number includes any accepted solutions that might have been revoked. See also net_accepted_solutions. net_accepted_solutions The member’s total number of solutions that were accepted during a period minus those that were revoked during the same period. net_other_solved_accepted_solutions The member’s total accepted solutions to someone else’s question minus those that were revoked during the same period. net_self_solved_accepted_solutions The member’s total accepted solutions to the member’s own questions minus those that were revoked. author_accepted_solutions The total number of solutions accepted by the author. author_revoked_solutions The total number of solutions that were revoked by the question's author. mod_accepted_solutions The total number of posts written by any member that were marked by a moderator as solutions. You can view this metric for specific moderators or for all moderators. mod_revoked_solutions The number of times a moderator has revoked an accepted solution. net_solved_threads The number of solved discussions started by a member minus the number of solved discussions started by the same member or that were revoked. This is the net change in the number of solved discussions started by this member. net_solved_threads_to_net_threads ratio The number of net solved discussions divided by the number of net discussions. Note: This ratio is not cumulative; it covers activity only during the period selected. The longer the period, the more useful this metric is likely to be. solution_revoked_threads The number of times solutions written by any member were later revoked. solutions_marked The number of times the member has marked a post as a solution. solutions_unmarked The number of times the member has revoked a post marked as a solution. solved_threads The number of times discussions written by any member have been marked as solved. other_solved_accepted_solutions The member’s total number of solutions to someone else’s questions that were accepted by anyone in the community. other_solved_revoked_solutions The member’s total number of solutions to someone else’s question that were revoked. revoked_solutions The member’s total number of accepted solutions that were revoked. self_solved_accepted_solutions The member’s total number of solutions to the member’s own questions that were accepted by anyone in the community. self_solved_revoked_solutions The member’s total number of solutions to the member’s own questions that were revoked. Blog activity blog_page_views The number of times a member has viewed blog-related pages. blog_article_views The number of times a member has viewed blog articles. blog_articles The number of articles a member has posted to blogs. blog_comments The number of comments that a member has posted to blogs. General community activity logins The number of times the member has signed in to the community. minutes_online The total number of minutes the member has been logged in to the community. video_upload_complete_count The number of videos a member has successfully uploaded to the community. image_upload_count The total number of images a member has uploaded to the community regardless of their size. Content metrics posts The total number of discussion posts—both new discussions and replies—the member has posted. This includes any posts that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of posts by subtracting deleted posts. See also deleted_posts. overall_posts The overall number of posts across all types of content (forums, blogs, etc.) Metric results for custom date ranges reflect the time zone defined in your profile. Administrators who have set a different time zone in their profile see different metrics results for these custom date ranges. replies The number of replies to content the member has posted. This includes any replies that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of replies by subtracting deleted replies. threads The total number of new discussions the member has started. This includes any discussions that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of discussions by subtracting deleted ones. totalposts_per_thread The total number of posts a member posted divided by the number of discussions the member started during the same time interval. deleted_posts The number of the member’s posts that have been deleted. deleted_threads The number of discussions the member has started that were also deleted. net_contributed_posts The number of contributed or linked posts minus the number of contributed or linked posts removed. Tagging activity tagging_avg_tags_per_message The average number of tags the member has applied across all posts. tagging_tag_count The total number of tags the member has applied. KB activity published_tkb_articles The number of KB articles a member has published. tkb_articles The number of KB articles a member has started. tkb_comments The number of comments a member has posted to a KB. nominated_messages The number of posts that a member has made that have been nominated to be included in a KB. Viewing metrics board_views The number of times a member viewed the overview page for a forum. message_views The number of posts the member has viewed. page_views The number of community pages the member has viewed. Likes kudos_events_received The number of times this author's posts have received Likes. kudos_events_received_revoked The number of times this author's Likes have been revoked. net_kudos_events_received The number of times this author's posts have received Likes minus the number of times this author's Likes have been revoked. kudos_weight_received The sum of the Likes weight for this author's posts that have received Likes. kudos_weight_revoked The sum of the Likes weight for this author's posts that have had Likes revoked. kudos_events_given The number of times this member gave Likes. kudos_events_given_revoked The number of times Likes given by this member were revoked. net_kudos_events_given The number of times this member gave Likes minus the times Likes given by this member were revoked. kudos_weight_given The sum of the Likes weight for Likes this member gave. net_kudos_weight_given The sum of Likes given minus the sum of Likes that were revoked. Likes here are measured by the net Likes weight for this member. net_kudos_weight_received The sum of Likes this author received minus the sum of Likes that were revoked. Likes here are measured by the net Likes weight for this member. In addition to the member metrics, you can add these special variables in your ranking formulas. contributionScore Overall knowledge base contribution score. registrationAge The number of minutes since the member registered in the community. userId The numeric ID associated with a member account. userInfo Include a custom field that is present on your user entity. Related topics: About member Ranks and ranking formulas Create a rank Create a ranking formula443Views0likes7CommentsAbout Aurora badge rules and supported criteria
For each community badge you want to create, you must define the rule that determines how a member achieves or receives the badge. For simpler rules, you can use the built-in tool that enables you to select a criterion and additional qualifiers. However, if you want a more complex rule for a badge, you can use the Advanced Editor to enter badge formulas. Badge formulas include a combination of a formula clause type, a keyword, an operator, and a value. When the calculation of a value in a formula returns a true result, the member achieves the badge. The badge achievement is then reflected in their profile and badges page. To create more complex badge rule expressions that require multiple rules be met before awarding a badge, you can use the “AND” operator. Common use cases for badges with multiple rule criteria include profile completion tasks and more complex engagement options. For example, you may want to award a “VIP Contributor” badge to members who: Have received at least 100 likes Have had at least 25 answers marked as Accepted Solutions Have posted at least 10 blog articles Tip: You can also use community roles as an additional requirement for any badges based on activity. By taking advantage of the “unlocking” game dynamic, you can set certain badges to be earnable only after a community member has reached a rank that grants them the required role. Create a complex badge rule Go to Settings > Users > Badges. To add a rule to a badge in an existing badge set, click the name of the badge set that contains the desired badge and then click Add Badge. Otherwise, create a new badge set where you want the badge with complex rules to live (see Create badge sets and badges). After entering the badge Name, Description, and Icon, in the Criteria drop-down menu, select Advanced Editor. In the Advanced Editor field, enter your custom badge rules. Enter each rule you want met (making sure that each rule has an identifier, operator, and value). Enter AND between each rule. Select the Hide from member profile until earned checkbox to ensure that the badge is displayed on member profiles only when the rules are met. Click Add Badge. Let’s say you want to create a badge for new members to encourage them to begin participating in the community. You might create a rule like this: metric.net_overall_threads >= 5 AND metric.net_kudos_weight_received >= 20 AND metric.net_accepted_solutions >= 3 This complex rule may be great for a badge that rewards users for creating new content with great quality. Feel free to use this example for your own community! Note: You cannot create complex rules with OR or NOT. Supported badge clauses and badge criteria A badge formula can include one of five types of clauses depending on the type of behavior you want to reward. You can chain rules together to create complex criteria using these clause types: Metric: Assigns a badge based on the value of a specific community activity recorded for each member. Member in role: Assigns a badge to a set of members based on community-level roles. User ID in set: Assigns a badge to a manually specified set of members based on their numeric user ID. This should be reserved for awarding rare badges to a small group of members. Non-Default profile setting value: Assigns badges based on members changing the default state of a specific setting or profile field on their member profiles. Specific profile setting value: Assigns badges based on the member changing a setting in their profile to a specific value. (For example, you could award a badge when a member sets their profile language to French.) Clause Type Clause Format (variables in bold) Metric metric.name_of_metric >= number Example: metric.net_accepted_solutions >= 1 Roles in ['role'] Example: in ['Administrator', 'Khoros'] User ID in [id] Example: in [10, 2, 5] Non-default profile setting setting.setting_key != 'default' Example: setting.profile.location != 'default' Profile setting value setting.setting_key = '[value]' Example: setting.profile.location = 'Argentina' Rewarding user activity using metrics For definitions of exactly what these metrics are, refer to these Aurora Analytics Metrics Definitions. The following member activity metrics are supported for use in a badge formula using the format: metric.name_of_metric >= [number] Accepted Solutions metric.net_accepted_solutions All Content Types metric.net_overall_posts metric.net_overall_replies metric.net_overall_threads Blogs metric.net_blog_articles metric.net_blog_comments metric.net_blog_posts Forums metric.net_posts metric.net_threads metric.net_replies Ideas metric.net_idea_threads metric.net_idea_comments metric.net_idea_posts Images and video metric.image_upload_count metric.video_upload_complete_count Likes metric.net_kudos_weight_given metric.net_kudos_weight_received Message views metric.message_views Sign-ins metric.logins KBs metric.net_published_tkb_articles metric.net_tkb_comments Rewarding specific members You can award badges to a specific group of members based on their role or user ID. Since you can’t edit a rule after you create the badge, we recommend using roles as the basis of your rule criteria. That way, if you need to add or remove members later, you can modify the member list for the role independent of the badge rule criteria. Important: If you want members to be notified (via email or real-time notifications) of a role-based badge, you must roll out the badge first and then add the role for that member. If the member already has the role before the badge is published, the member will not be notified. Keep in mind: Newly created badges are automatically applied to all members who already match the criteria, resulting in email notifications being sent out to community members depending on your badge notification settings. You need to coordinate such badge releases with Khoros to avoid a surge of emails being sent out to the community members, which can impact your community performance. Use single quotes around the role name. Use commas if you enter more than one. For example, to award a badge to all members with the “Admin” or “Moderator” role, enter this rule criterion: in [‘Admin’, ‘Moderator’] You should use "user ID in set" in badge criteria only if you have a static, unchanging list of specific members. This clause type should be used only in special cases to award badges for one-time achievements. Otherwise, you’ll need to delete and recreate the badge each time you want to add another member’s user ID to the rule. Use commas if you enter more than one. For this case, use this format: in [10,2,5] Rewarding profile completion You can use the profile setting below to create badges that reward members for filling out more information about themselves in their profile. These settings can all be used with the "Non-default profile settings" clause. Profile setting identifier Setting name Setting location setting.profile.name_first First Name My Settings > Personal setting.profile.name_last Last Name My Settings > Personal setting.profile.location Location My Settings > Personal setting.profile.biography Bio My Settings > Personal > Bio setting.profile.url_homepage Personal Site My Settings > Personal avatar_changed Note: To award a badge when a member changes their default avatar image, use this syntax: avatar_changed = true Avatar My Settings > Personal > Edit Rewarding date-based activity You can award badges based on date-based activities. Setting identifier Setting options Examples consecutive sign-ins number setting.user.max_consecutive_logins >= 2 registration_date date registration_date > "2015-01-01" (see supported syntax options below) time_since_registration time value in days, months, or years time_since_registration >= "1 years" signin_date date signin_date > "2015-01-01" (see supported syntax options below) About sign-in related activity We store a counter of the number of days in a row and the last sign-in time. When someone signs in, we get the date of the last increment and the date of today, and we count the days between. If < 1, we ignore it (so no gaming the system). If == 1, we increment the day counter. If > 1, we set the day counter to 0. About entering dates You can enter dates (which must be in quotes) in all formats supported by ISO 8061: Year: YYYY (eg 1997) Year and month: YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07) Complete date: YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16) Complete date plus hours and minutes: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00) Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00) where: YYYY = four-digit year MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.) DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31) hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm NOT allowed) mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59) ss = two digits of second (00 through 59) s = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second TZD = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm) Note: When an ISO 8601 date doesn't specify a time zone, it is considered to represent local time. We do not override the local time zone for this purpose, so the date is parsed from the badge clause based on the server's local time zone. So that will differ depending on the AWS region: US-West-2 (PST) EU-West-1 (CET) To prevent confusion on the Internet, date strings (for example, in badge clauses) may specify a time zone. Related topics: About Badges and Badge sets Create badge sets and badges Feature badge sets on the member profile Delete badge sets and badges Example badge sets and badges View badges from the member profile306Views0likes8Comments