Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Choosing the best content metrics to include in your ranking formulas

In your ranking formulas, you may want to measure how many times a member started a discussion, how many times a member responded to an existing discussion, or a combination of both of these. Like a lot of things related to online community management, there is no ultimate "right answer" when it comes to which content metrics to include in your ranking formulas. 

It is up to you how much emphasis you place on each of these three distinct member actions. It is interesting to note that some of your superusers will primarily start new discussions (which you can track using the “threads” member metric), some will primarily respond to existing discussions (which you can track with the “replies” member metric), and some will do a combination of both (which you can track using the “overall_posts” member metric).

When it comes to developing a rank structure, most people choose to use the total content count (“posts”) as one of the main criteria for determining a member’s rank. It is important to remember, however, that the amount of content published by a member should not be the only criterion you use. It is okay to focus on content count for the lower ranks in your community, but for the higher ranks, you may want to include things like Likes and Accepted Solutions to help differentiate your top contributors and identify high-quality content.

As your community grows, you will want to add ranks to your ranking structure to make sure that members are not topping out and to make sure you are rewarding all of the positive ways that members are contributing to the growth and health of your community. One of the best ways to do that is to make use of ranking formulas. You enter them on the same Ranks page where you create or modify ranks.

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Updated 9 months ago
Version 5.0
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