Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Configure community guidelines

You can enable community guidelines for your community to ensure your members know what is expected of them in the community. These can be linked to an external URL or built within your Aurora community itself. You can designate your guidelines as required reading for registration or just provide a link on the registration window for new members.

Depending on what you’re going for, building your guidelines within Aurora creates a seamless experience with consistent branding, while linking to an external URL enables you to use one central location where your document lives so you don’t have to update it in multiple places. 

For localized communities, you can provide guidelines in all your available community languages to ensure that all members of your community are aligned on expectations regardless of language.

Provide link to guidelines on registration window

  1. Open the Account menu and select Settings.
  2. Go to System > Account > Registration.
  3. To add your guidelines to the registration window, turn on the Add community guidelines link to registration page toggle.
  4. (Optional) To require new members to select a checkbox indicating that they read and agree to the community guidelines, select Edit, and then select the Acceptance required checkbox.
  5. To designate whether you want to host the guidelines on your community or link to an existing page, select Edit, and then select Community or External

Set up guidelines on your community

Whether your members reach your community guidelines from the registration window or elsewhere in your community, you can edit them from right within your community to ensure a seamless experience.

  1. After selecting Community, select Save.
  2. Select View/Edit Community Guidelines.
  3. On the Community Guidelines page that opens, select Edit Community Guidelines.
  4. Select a language from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Enter your community guidelines.
  7. Repeat for your other community languages.

Link to external community guidelines

  1. On the Edit Community Guidelines window, for all of your community languages, enter the URL to your community guidelines.
    Note: If you do not provide a URL for a particular language, members who select the community guidelines link while in that language are redirected to the community guidelines URL for your community’s default language. If the default language’s URL is also missing, members are redirected to the community-based guidelines page.
  2. Select Save.
Updated 3 months ago
Version 3.0
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