Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Create a Blog

A blog is similar to an online journal or diary, often with references or links to other sites. 

To create a blog:

  1. Click the add icon at the community level where you want to add a blog.
  2. On the window, enter a Name and ID. The ID displays in the URL for the blog.
    Note: The ID must be a single word made of only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores with no spaces. It cannot be changed.
  3. Optionally, enter a Description and add an Avatar for the blog.
  4. In the Tags area, in the Tag types drop-down menu, select Preset and Freeform, Preset, or Freeform. Learn more about Tags here.
  5. (Optional) If you selected Preset and Freeform or Preset, in the Preset tags area, click + Tag to add the tags members can choose from.
  6. (Optional) Select the Require tags on posts checkbox if you want members to always add tags to content.
  7. Click Create.

For more information, see About Blogs.

Updated 10 months ago
Version 5.0
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