Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Create an event

Community members can create events in Event boards they have permission to access.

Here's an example of an event creation page:


Here's an example of a published event on an Events board:


1. On the community board, click Create an Event

Step 1 image

2. The page to create an event opens.
Click + on the banner to add a banner.

This banner will appear on the published view of the event.

Step 2 image

3. You can either upload from your device or search and upload an image from the internet.

Step 3 image

4. You can now see the image that you uploaded.

Add a title for the event.

Step 4 image

5. Enter text for the event

Step 5 image

6. From the Event type dropdown menu, select the type of event.

As we are creating an In-Person event, we select In-Person

Step 6 image

7. Click on the textbox labeled Start and enter a start date and time for this event

Step 7 image

8. The calendar menu appears.
Choose a start date.

Step 8 image

9. Choose a time and time zone

Step 9 image

10. Click on the textbox labeled End.

Step 10 image

11. The calendar menu appears
Choose a end date.

Step 11 image

12. Choose a time and time zone

Step 12 image

13. You can optionally specify the location for this In-person event.
You can opt to update this information even after publishing this event.

Start enter the address of the location and choose from the suggestions.

Step 13 image

14. Optionally, click Display map on event page

Step 14 image

15. A google map loads that shows the location of the address you added.

Step 15 image

16. You can opt to add Guests for your event.
Click Add a member link to search and add a community member as a Featured Guest for this event.

Step 16 image

17. A search box appears.

Step 17 image

18. Enter a member name and choose from the suggestions.

Step 18 image

19. The selected member is added as a Featured Guest.

Step 19 image

20. To improve findability, you can tag this event. Click Add a Tag to add new tags.

Step 20 image

21. Type the new tag

Step 21 image

22. After you select the newly entered tag, you can see it listed under Tags section of the page

Step 22 image

23. Scroll down and click Publish

Step 23 image

24. The event is published.

Step 24 image

25. To see how this event is listed in the board, click the board name on the breadcrumb.

Step 25 image

26. You can see that the event under the Event board.

That's it! You're done!

Step 26 image


Note: The default number of featured guests and its limit its 10. This value is configurable. To change this limit, Contact Khoros Support.

Related topics:


Updated 10 months ago
Version 6.0


  • There appears to now also be an "Add to calendar" button available, that shows below the date of the event in the sidebar by default, only if the event is not in the past.

  • JeanineS's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    3 months ago

    Hi MSmith_iTalent , it looks like the current recommendation is 500px tall by the width of your max-width of your site as set in Designer > Basics (Maximum width of page content) setting. Roughly 500px high x 1200px-1400px wide for most sites.