Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Manage UI elements

Using the Aurora Theme editor, you can manage the user interface elements of your community. To adjust them, open the Account menu and go to Designer > Theme > UI Elements.

You can set the shape of the UI elements such as form inputs and modal overlays (a way to display important information to an admin without navigating away from the current page) to match the brand patterns for your community.

You can set the following UI elements:

Border corner radius

You can set one of the following border corner radius options for your UI elements:

  • None: The border of UI elements is squared off. 
  • Small: (Default) The border of UI elements is slightly rounded (small radius).
  • Large: The border of UI elements is very rounded (large radius).

Borders – main content

You can set one of the following border options for the main content UI elements (for example, posts and comments):

  • None: UI elements appear without a border.
  • Light: (Default) UI elements have a light outline.
  • Dark: UI element have a dark outline.

Borders – side content

You can set one of the following border options for the side content UI elements (for example, blocks of content in narrow columns):

  • None: UI elements appear without a border.
  • Light: (Default) UI elements have a light outline.
  • Dark: UI elements have a dark outline.


You can set one of the following shadow options for the UI elements:

  • None: UI elements appear without a shadow.
  • Light: (Default) UI elements have a light drop shadow.
  • Dark: UI elements have a dark drop shadow.

Form input shape

You can set the shape for form inputs to one of the following options:

  • Square: Form input fields appear as squares/rectangles.
  • Rounded: (Default) Form input fields appear as squares/rectangles with rounded corners.
  • Pill: Form input fields appear pill-shaped.

Modal overlays

You can set the background for the modal overlays to one of the following options:

  • Light: Backgrounds behind windows are light.
  • Dark: Backgrounds behind windows are dark.

Reset UI elements to default values

To reset the UI elements back to the system defaults, click Reset UI Elements to Defaults in the side panel.

Important: Resetting UI elements reverts all settings to their system defaults, not the settings you saved previously.

Updated 8 months ago
Version 22.0
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