Knowledge Base Article
I'm a little late to this party, but I was also thinking of a ranking rule that could put a person who's systematically marked as spam into a "timeout" type role, so that they aren't allowed to even try posting 3, 5, or 156 times... I'm not sure what a post is "marked" as when it's flagged spam but I assume it's something similar to deleted_posts. Or is the spam folder a hidden folder? Then this type of role would be based on a posts in a given category. I don't see that option here, but it could be another way to enhance and personalize gamification, too. If you have boards for different products and someone posts a lot of replies that are marked best answer on a specific board, they could be marked "SME of snowboarding!" or "Master Marketer" or whatever, based on the board topic of course.
I guess to summarize, I would love to see a
- Metric for ranking around posts marked spam to create a boolean rule like (post_spam>=1) assigns a "Timeout" rank. That rank is tied to a Role that has just about every permission marked as deny. Moderators and above would review that Role/Rank to either move forward with a ban or release the timeout after predetermined criteria are met.
- Metric for ranking based on location of post to recognize and incentivize activity in individual boards and enhance gamification.