Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Places widget configuration

The Places widget displays a list of places in the community. You can configure it to focus on top-level boards only or to present sub-places within those communities as nested items. It is available on the Community Home and Category Dashboard templates.


The Layout options available are List and Card.

  • The List layout creates a vertical list of places, enabling members to identify and navigate to parts of your community quickly. Line items can include avatar images as well as descriptions, post totals, and more.


The Card layout showcases each place in its card, including an expansion feature that opens an additional panel with any sub-places under each item.


List Style


The List Style options available for the List layout include:

  • Space: Uses whitespace to create space between items.
  • Divide: Adds a horizontal line to divide items.
  • Border: Creates a border that separates items into individual boxes. 

Card size

The Card Size setting changes the overall size of the avatar and text so that it takes up more horizontal space on the card. You can choose from among SmallMedium, and Large content sizes.

Card text alignment

The Card text alignment setting aligns text within each card. You can select from left, center, or right alignment. The place's image is always centered.

Widget Title

The Widget Title appears at the top of the widget. If the Visible only to screen readers toggle is active, the title remains hidden from most visitors; however, the title information is still relayed to visitors using screen readers.


The Scope field enables you to select the top-level place where the widget is scoped. You can scope to the community, a category, or a group, and child-level places of the place you choose are then shown on the widget.

Place types to include

This drop-down menu sets the filter for places that appear in the widget. You can choose to display All places or a specific type of place.

Options include:

  • All
  • Blogs Only
  • Boards Only
  • Categories Only
  • Forums Only
  • Groups Only
  • My Groups Only
  • Knowledge Bases Only
  • Idea boards only
  • Event boards only

Sort by

This drop-down menu sets the criteria by which items in the widget are sorted.

Available options include:

  • Name
  • Latest Activity
  • Most Viewed
  • Topics Count
  • Posts Count
  • Community Structure

List item/card elements

List item/card elements determine what information is included for each item in the widget. You can choose to show or hide each element.

Options include:

  • Avatar (Card)
  • Description
  • Expand Category Children (Card)
  • Lock Icon (Closed, hidden, and read-only) (List)
  • Most Recent activity timestamp
  • Post Count
  • Unread Post Count

The Lead With drop-down menu in the List layout sets which element appears first in the widget for each item: AvatarIcon, or None.

Max lines of description text

Use the Max lines of description text slider to set the number of lines of description text to display for each place in the widget.

Number of places

Use the Number of places slider to set the number of places that appear in the widget before the "Show More" link is displayed.

The List layout includes a slider for the Number of category children. If the value of this slider is greater than 0, child places are displayed as nested objects under the parent.

More Options

Additional options are available at the bottom of the Edit Widget panel:

  • Hide if empty: Hides any tabs that don't have corresponding items.
  • Include "Show More" links: Add a link to the bottom of the widget to enable visitors to display additional items once the Number of places has been reached.
  • Optimize page-load time: Utilizes lazy loading to load images as the member scrolls down the page.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 14.0


  • Hi there, you mention Card size can be Medium or Large, I don't see that in Aurora 23.3, is it in an upcoming release?

  • JohnD's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    2 years ago

    bkling - Card size options are available in 23.3. Confirm that you have the "Card" option selected for the Card Layout style (not List). 


  • Curious as I don't think any Khoros components ever include this - Why is the option to specify node ID(s) never included? I love the expanded options, but it's this single issue that would prevent our use of it in most areas.

  • Oh, so the size doesn't appear until you click "Card," I get it now. Seems it only makes the text bigger or smaller but not the icon for the card; it doesn't actually change the size of the card by much. Thanks for the info, I would like to see this on all widgets with cards, but make the entire card size differently so that it feels like a more noticeable change.

  • Excuse my ignorance StanGromer I've been off the platform for some time - specify by node ID(s) would allow to customize which places were shown, from which categories for example, is that that intent of your wish?

  • NickH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago


    Two options we're working on:

    First is adding additional filter and sort options to the content and places widget that would allow you to set a specific scope rather than using the page context (the category or board you are on). In addition to scope this is where tags, user, date range, custom tags / metadata could also be used for filtering. Here is a rough mockup of that (not final design)

    Second is already delivered and it's the Featured Content and Places widgets. If filtering / sorting a list isn't enough granular control, you can manually pick the places you want and control the exact order they display.

    The view options will be the same with these widgets but we plan to add a couple additional view options, some mobile optimized views for cards (i.e. smaller) and a "grid" view which falls somewhere between lists and cards.

    You can expect to see more and more options for widgets and widget display options throughout the year. 

  • Thanks NickH exactly what I was hoping for, I would also like to use smaller cards on desktop, not just mobile, as to me the seem too big in Featured Content for example.