Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: SEO-specific title, description, and canonical URL fields for posts

In the community, authors can optimize their content with SEO properties such as SEO Title, SEO Description, and Canonical URL to drive more readers to the page and improve the community’s visibility in search results. If you do not provide these values, the search engines use the default title and description from the post to rank it.

Note: We recommend keeping SEO descriptions short, fewer than 160 characters.

Admins and moderators can override the SEO title, description, and canonical URL added by the authors with SEO-friendly properties that are informative and drive more traffic to the content.

For forum discussions, you must enable SEO canonical URL overrides for discussions to override the SEO properties in the respective Forum node. Learn more about configuring forum settings.

Add SEO properties to posts

Let’s take an example, where you want to optimize your post with SEO properties while creating a Forum discussion to attract more visitors to your post.

To define SEO properties:

  1. Sign in to the community and go to the Forum node.
  2. To create a new discussion, click Start a Discussion and add your content. Learn more about creating posts in various content types.
  3. In SEO Content, enter Canonical URL, SEO Title, and SEO Description. All these fields are optional.
  4. Click Publish.

Based on the optimized SEO properties, the search engines index the page in their search results.

Similarly, you can optimize the Blog posts and Knowledge Base articles with SEO properties. You can also edit an existing post and define or change these fields publication.

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Updated 10 months ago
Version 9.0
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