Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Set blog permissions

In the community, you can set blog-specific permissions to control who can start, read, edit, publish, reply to, and manage blog posts.

At the community, category, group, and board levels, community includes these blog-specific permissions:

  • Read posts: Members can read blog posts in the areas they have access to. By default, this permission is granted to all community members.
  • Read comments: Members can read comments to blog posts in the areas in the community they have access to. By default, this permission is granted to all community members.
  • Comment on posts: Members can add comments to blog posts in the areas in the community they have access to.


Also, members must have Edit own published posts and Edit any published post permissions to edit their own and others' blog posts, respectively. This permission is recommended for Admins or Moderators and denied by default.

Learn more about managing community permission defaults.

You can modify these permissions at various levels or assign permissions based on role. We recommend not altering these permissions unless you have a particular scenario where you want to modify the default permissions for specific members.

To modify permission at specific community level:

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Open the Account menu and click Settings.
  3. Go to the Community Structure and click the category whose permissions you want to modify.
  4. Go to Category Permissions and then click Edit next to the Category Permission Defaults.
  5. Scroll down to the Blogs section and set the permissions.

Grant blog-specific permissions to a role

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Open the Account menu and click Settings.
  3. Go to Users > Roles and Permissions.
  4. Click Edit next to the role you want to assign a blog-specific permission.
  5. Scroll down to the Blogs section and set the permissions.

Roles and Permissions for Content Workflow and Approval process:

If your community follows the Content Workflow and Approval process, then you can grant role specific permissions to members.

To set these roles:

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Open the Account menu and click Settings.
  3. Select the category you want to set roles for.
  4. Go to the Roles and Permissions.
  5. Select Community Roles.
    You can see the list of roles set on your community

BlogAuthor, BlogEditor, and BlogPublisher are the roles that you can assign to members so that you can follow the content publishing flow.

To view all the permissions that this role contains:

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Click the role name.

You can view all the permissions that this role contains.

To add members to the content workflow roles:

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Click the role name.

From here, you can edit the role and also add members to the role.

Related topic:

Managing community permission defaults

Updated 9 months ago
Version 8.0
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