Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Set forum permissions

In the community, you can set forum-specific permissions to control who can read, start, reply to, and manage discussions.

At the community, category, group, and board levels, Aurora includes these forum-specific permissions:

  • Read discussions and content: Members can read forum discussions. By default, this permission is granted to all community members.
  • Start discussions and new content: Members can start a new discussion in a forum. By default, this permission is granted to all community members.
  • Reply to discussions and content: Members can add replies to discussions.

Also, members must have Edit own posts and Edit any posts permissions (common permissions for all the content types) to edit their own and other posts. This permission is recommended for Admins or Moderators and denied by default.

Learn more about managing community permission defaults.

You can modify these permissions at various levels or assign permissions based on role. We recommend not altering these permissions unless you have a particular scenario where you want to modify the default permissions for specific members.

Let’s take an example in which you want to deny Start discussions and new content permission at the category level. This is granted by default at other community levels. In this scenario, the permission you set at category level overrides the default community permission.

To modify permissions at a category-specific level:

Note: To manage this permission at a lower level, go to the [Place] Permissions page for that forum and edit the permission defaults. 

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Open the Account menu and select Settings.
  3. Go to the Community Structure and select the category whose permissions you want to modify.
  4. Go to Category Permissions, and then select Edit next to the Category Permission Defaults.
  5. Scroll down to the Content section and set the permissions.

Grant forum-specific permissions to a role

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. Open the Account menu and select Settings.
  3. Go to Users > Roles and Permissions.
  4. Use the place picker at the top left to select the desired place and level of the community (such as a specific forum) where you want to edit a role's permissions.
  5. Select Edit next to the role you want to assign a forum-specific permission.
  6. Scroll down to the Board (board level) and/or Content sections and set the permissions.
Updated 5 months ago
Version 8.0


  • Firstly - I believe the Grant forum-specific permissions to a role should describe the step of Choosing the Forum you want to have specific permissions for.

  • Lief's avatar
    5 months ago

    I had to paste this into a text editor to remove the HTML tagging that came from your own Post (the HTML restrictions wouldn't allow me to paste).
    Would prefer to see the "Remove Formatting" button in this reply toolbar. 

  • Secondly - The Issue/Question I have about permissions here is:

    Should Moderators be able to see and reply to content in a Closed Group without being members of that Closed Group?

    * I have found that they can - and that surprises me.
    * I would have expected that they cannot.
    * AND, if I want to make it so (they cannot) - I can't see how to do that.

    The OOTB permissions for Moderator are, at best, confusing; and at worst broken - especially in the case of a forum in a Closed GroupHub.

    My example:

     - In a Closed GroupHub.
     - Moderator permissions are OOTB / Default for Content & Moderation
     - Within the Closed Group (at the group level) itself it says Moderate Content is INHERIT (as Deny) - which is again confusing to me.
     - If I select the GroupHub Forum I cannot adjust these settings at all.

  • LauraV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    5 months ago

    Hi, Lief — Thank you for your feedback! I've updated this article to address what you mentioned. I've also passed your other comments on to our Product team.

  • Lief's avatar
    5 months ago

    if I should turn that into a Case let me know. if Khoros ends up doing that - please let me (or Maureen) know so she can put it on my watchlist. Thanks.