Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Ways to join a group

Community members can join a group in several ways:

Using Join Group button

Community members can join any open group from the Group page using the Join Group button.

After someone joins a group, the group appears in the community’s Group page, where you can filter the Groups list to see which ones you’re a member of. You can also see the Groups you're a member of on your community profile page.

Request to join a closed group

Using the Join Group button, community members can request to join Closed groups from the Group page.

After requesting access, a window opens indicating to the member that their request to join was sent and the system sends the group Owner an email with the request.

In addition to email notification, group Owners see pending membership requests in the Requests tab of the Manage Members page. The group Owner has the option to Approve or Deny the request.

When Owner approves the request, the new member receives a private message in the community that contains a link to the group.

If the group Owner denies the request, the owner must confirm the decision.

When the request denial is complete, the Owner sees this confirmation message:


The member requesting to join receives a private message:

Receive an invitation

Members with the Owner, Inviter, or Administrator role can invite any community member or external users to any group (Open, Closed, or Hidden). Note that community members can access Hidden groups by invitation only. 

See Invite members to a group for more information.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 9.0
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